Smarter Dropdown List Manager
Further to a considerable amount of Community requests for a way to Update Dropdown Lists in just one sheet, then have that list Automagically populate all the other Smartsheets that reference that list. Our Developers, using the Smartsheet API have created just that solution, in fact we have assumed that users will want…
View Ranges Used in a Sheet (or all sheets)
Hello, I would like to know where I can go to make edits to some of the ranges I created. Normally, I can see the ranges I have created by just clicking on the cell once (rather than double-clicking to edit), but my formula is too long and it pushes the range links off the page. Please see attached screenshots. Any help…
Skype Log in issue
When I try to sign in to Skype for Business, there will be a pop up for the sign in, but it quickly goes away and tries to do it all over again. I am using Google Chrome, and there are a few more people in our office having similar issues
Certifed User
Hi I participated in the Certification program last year and was told it was only good for 1 year. What is the next step to getting re-certified? Thanks Lisa
How to track external dependencies
I am building a project that has external dependency to be delivered on a specific date . How do you create this dependency? Do you create a task with no duration? (start and finish date are same)?
Frustrating split of functions vs cost of license types
One very interesting thing for me is the curiosity I get from people around me when they see me using Smartsheet. The low threshold of knowledge to get into it and the "mimic" of spreadsheet (excel) view behind it makes it so much more attractive than MS Project for example. Often when I bring up MS Project as a possible…
Automatically add emails into smartsheet
Is it possible for an email to automatically be added into a smartsheet? Just like a form entry gets added, can someone send an email to a particular email address that is automatically added to a smartsheet? I saw an old post about this from a few years ago but want to know if this is something that can be done now. It…
Removing Single Cells
Hello, I am looking to remove a single cell from a grid and have the cells underneath move up but I am only given the option to remove rows which disrupts formulas I have in place. Is this feature of removing single cells available?
Requesting scheduling for events that show up in calendar view
I'm using Smartsheet to request things through different processes in our organization, but one request process that is giving me headaches is requesting after hours air conditioning. We use building automation to control when air conditioning runs, and people have to request A/C if they are using a facility when the A/C…
Reports pulling through duplicates columns
Hi All , We have setup a master project portfolio dashboard (master sheet ) which is fed by multiple sheets (Child ) . The calculation for the dashboard is done via a calculation sheet as shown in the attachment . The on click function in the dashboard opens a report showing high priority projects for instance . The issue…