I have a Sheet where users enter tickets for Enhancements to current applications. These could be any type of requests and there are several steps necessary prior to approval to start work. There are …
Over the last week or 2, I'm finding that dashboard links 'freeze', ie. stop working after some time, ie. maybe 20 minutes or so after dashboard opened. This is happening with dashboards via the deskt…
Discovered a new issue with smartsheets recently if you are a user that doesn't like to see windows animations. If you have the path below checked to "No" smartsheets works significantly worse when ha…
Currently sheet links from reports will open the connected sheet at the relevant row displayed in the report. When this report is added to a dashboard, this same link takes the user to the sheet, but …
I have a master data file which has around 20000 rows with nearly 10 columns (200000 Cells) Data driving several reports (50~60), reference formulas to several sheets (8~10). Master Data file changes …
Yesterday our workapps got switched over to the "new experience" which is failing to load any workapp screens for users. All of the existing links we had built into our dashboards are no longer workin…
Hello! I am making a dashboard and am using a Rich Text Widget to include relevant contact email addresses. All of the emails I included appear as hyperlinks in the Dashboard and the actual links incl…
Hi Smartsheet Team, Is there a way to create a column in a sheet that is the hyperlink/link for the attachment of each row? I am using data shuttle to offload sheet data and the attachments aren't inc…
Goal: Have links to included forms update to the newly created forms (same as sheets, etc.) when generating a new project folder via control center. I was under the impression that this would be possi…
We'd like to create a dashboard with reports and various team resources, such as templates. There is not a way to hyperlink, link templates OR add templates to dashboards. This would be extremely help…