Which Template Set is Better: Project Schedule Management or Project Tracking and Rollup?
I am launching a new project with 13 working groups and many dependencies. Do one of these template sets function better under these parameters?
Smartsheet Function - TODAY()
I use this function, TODAY(), to calculate days to an event or past said event. I've noticed that you have to open the sheet to update or probably more accurately get the TODAY function to be active and calculate. I use this day counts in a Dashboard and to be accurate, as mentioned, I need to open that particular…
Planning Calendar conundrums
Hi, Community! I am wondering if anyone else is using SmartSheet for an institutional planning calendar. I chose a template of project with gantt. Most of the tasks on the calendar, however, are annual, bi-annual, semi-annual, etc. I am trying to figure out the best way to handle that. Would I only be able to do it using…
Help with formulas to drive Harvey Ball Status
Hello! I am trying to automate the Harvey Ball (R, A, G, Gray) status indicator on my project plan sheet. I am very new to formulas and am not sure what I am doing wrong. Below is a screenshot of the implicated Columns: The values in Status are: Not Started, In Progress, Complete. Harvey Balls are in Health: Green, Yellow,…
One VLOOKUP cell gives me a column list of returns
I am looking to have a drop down cell called "run name" that when changed will populate all the stores on that run. I was using VLOOKUP from a master store/run sheet to do this but could only figure out how to get one store to populate rather than the entire list of stores. Any help with this would be appreciated. Thanks…
RYG and Gray!
Hey, I cant figure out how to add to this formula. I have this formula that someone shared from a seminar: =IF(AND([End Date]@row + 1 < TODAY(), [% Complete]5 <> 1), "Red", IF(AND([End Date]@row -2 < TODAY(), [% Complete]@row <> 1), "Yellow", "Green")) . This give me my r,y,g health in the right time frame i want. What I…
Calendar App - Filters...why did you change the functionality...now...during a Pandemic?!?!?
Smartsheet, Before I lose my mind, here... please tell me that there is (at the very least) a way for individual users to create filters without being shared to the underlying sheet. Up until this change, our users were able to access the calendar and manually select the criteria that they wished to view via multiple,…
Building tasks in Smartsheet: How to sort by dates instead of parent groups
I'm in the throes of building my first sheet and have finished setting up the dependencies and key tasks I need for my project. Tasks are set up by parent/child groups, based on task type. Now I want to build out the rest of the year using similar tasks. At this point, I want to be able to manipulate the sheet to look at…
=SUMIF Month-to-Month
I am trying to create a graph for a Dashboard that will display the total amount of approved $$ within each month and total amount of denied $$ within each month. I will also need a rolling YTD total. So far this is what I have for the formula: =SUMIFS({RSA Form Range 2}, {RSA Form Range 9}, "Green", {RSA Form Range 3},…
Check the Checkbox on multiple lines together
Hello everyone I would like to know if it is possible Check the Checkbox on multiple lines together