Row report with spreadsheet summary columns - Relatório de linha com colunas do resumo da planilha
In the row report create the possibility to include columns with information that are in the summary of the spreadsheet. For example in the summary of the spreadsheet we have the fields start date and responsible. Allow the creation of a report of project lines with the tasks of each project, project start date and…
How do I track incoming emails in a Smartsheet?
We are getting slammed with inquiries to our info@ gmail address. I think there's a way to send all those emails to a Smartsheet so I can assign, triage, and track our responses.
Dynamic View - new submissions
I am an administrator in Dynamic View and have created a new view. I want my staff to be allowed to submit new items. I have selected that as an option but cannot figure out how to have them actually add a new line. Help!
Automatic Duration calculation from 2 Predecessory
Hello I have a Task B that cannot start before Task A was finished and that should finish the same time as Task C. When I enter 2 predecessors for B, namely that Task A has FS and Task C has FF, the smartsheet always takes into account only one of the Predecessors and puts the duration on 1d automatically (see…
Is there a way to deal with "maybe situations" or varying predecessors?
Hi SmartSheet community! This may be an odd one to describe but I am going to try my best. I have a process that is a bit circular and is also a "maybe situation." For our product, we will go through rounds of optimization but only on an as-needed basis dependent on results. For example, we anticipate product A will need 4…
Create a work report
I have a Gantt of a project which has weekly minutes compiled of site meetings and others. How do I create a specific report that goes to the project manager and asks him to load specific copy onto smartsheet?
At Risk Formula Unparseable Error
I am trying to build a nested at risk formula based on the following triggers. -End date is today and Status is not complete it will trigger -There is not enough time between today and the end date for the duration period left. So, if duration minus % complete is 4 days. and the period of time between today and the end…
Aggregate Summary Field Data from Multiple Sheets
I am attempting to consolidate multiple business worksheets, for an aggregate pie chart health status on a dashboard for executive management. See word doc for details Any suggestions to the best approach appreciated.
Is there a way to auto-hide columns based on the value selected from a drop down cell?
I have a main grid with several columns and a webform that feeds into that grid. This tracker is used by my team to track several job "types" defined in one of the destination grid columns as "Large Project", Medium Project" and "Small Project". Each distinction has its own requirements, thus making a few of the existing…
Test log
Can someone provide some insight to creating a testing log? Either point me to an existing Smartsheet template set that can be massaged to fit my testing needs or have a test log template set that you are willing to share.