Automated Workflow Emails Look Like Span
Can I change the heading of an automated workflow email so it does not look so much like spam? I would prefer it to look like I sent the email and not the automated system.
Drop Down List Data Validation
My team and I are new to Smartsheet, and after 2 days of using the software, have already found a couple of major road blocks that will likely keep us from using Smartsheet. The biggest is the inability to create a drop down list that uses data validation to pull a list of options from another Sheet. (Example - one sheet…
Can I change tasks visibility in a shared smartsheet?
Hi, I am trying to find out the best way to work with smartsheet in a particular scenario. I have project smartsheets that outline project milestones, and tasks within. This sheet is shared externally to my team for collaboration. In many cases, some of the tasks might drive subtasks, or small actions that the internal…
Build Gantt Chart based on JIRA User Stories Story Points estimations
User story in Jira are estimated in Story Points (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...) where each story point can be mapped to ideal days range such as a 0.5 story point = 1d, 1 story point: =2d 2 story points = 3d 3 story points = 5d ... Theoretically it is possible to build a gantt chart of the N user stories as follow User…
Formula to check a box when date entered + 2 days
Does anyone know if it is possibly to set a box to check a certain amount of time after a date is imputed into a row. For instance, we need a lag time on a project complete date of 48 hours. This is for a manufacturer that needs 48 hours for stain, etc to cure before project is technically complete. This is the formula…
Percentage of Child Rows with Check Mark
Hi, I'm trying to get a Percentage of Child Rows with Check Mark. Can anyone help out? =COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), 1) + "" returns the count of checked boxes. =(COUNT(CHILDREN(), 0) + "" returns the count of total rows, check or unchecked. So I divided the two, but I get #INVALID OPERATION error. Any thoughts?
Proofing Review Request
Hello, I am starting to test out the new Proofing functionality and was wondering if there are permission level limitations on who can send out the "Set up Review Request"? We have some people who are admins and some who are not who would use proofing. I want to make sure anyone can send out a review request, but wasn't…
Need a way to identify if a row has been approved/rejected via proofing
Hi, I am using the new feature "Proofing" for my upcoming project and I was wondering is there any way to identify if a document on a row is approved/rejected, then use it in the custom formula to change the status of the row? For example if a document is rejected then I would like to change the status of the row to…
About the approval request for spesific people
hey everyone, i want to ask about the "approval request automation". i have project that need some approval request for the spesific people. for example, in my organization, i have 2 Divison Manager, which is a different person. so, i create the approval request by the trigger with Division 01, and Division 02. But the…
Use Modified Date to show when the last time a sheet was edited.
I would like to enter a formula into Sheet Summary that will show the last time a sheet was edited by a specific person. That person is identified on every row in an "Assigned To" column. I have both the Modified and Modified By columns on my sheet. Somebody started helping me with this, but kinda trailed off. I understand…