RYG and Gray!

Dyon Martin
Dyon Martin ✭✭
edited 04/20/20 in Formulas and Functions


I cant figure out how to add to this formula. I have this formula that someone shared from a seminar:

=IF(AND([End Date]@row + 1 < TODAY(), [% Complete]5 <> 1), "Red", IF(AND([End Date]@row -2 < TODAY(), [% Complete]@row <> 1), "Yellow", "Green"))


This give me my r,y,g health in the right time frame i want. What I need is to add:

If the "start date" is in the future and the "% complete" is 0, then the health is Gray. ( if the start date is in the future and the "% complete" is more that 0, then it should use the formula above.


Thanks in advance for the help

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