Summing of colored "conditional" cells
Hello All, I am trying to count or sum how many colored cells there are within a row. The rows consist of test questions and are set to turn red if the condition is not met (answer is incorrect). Is there a way to sum all of the condition not met cells? There are 25 cells that have conditions in them.
cell reference based on date
We have a yearly schedule for all our field guys that is updated a week prior and sent out to the field so everyone knows where they will be working for the upcoming week. My question is can I tie a roll up sheet to the master schedule sheet that I would input a date on the roll up and based on that date grab the matching…
Help on formula: countifs with multiple criteria
Hi everyone, I need help on the below formula. I am trying to get the number of active projects based on the columns Section and Stage (see attached image). The 2 sections are called Food and Non-Food. The active stages are called Planning, Strategy Decision, Tender, Evaluation and Contract. Other terms applied in this…
Capture Start time and finish time with a form
Hi all I am trying to capture time spent on specific tasks through a form. My idea is that the user can click a start button(could be a checkbox) to start and i can capture the time modified and a complete button to finish(same thing). We can then calculate the duration to be the difference between those tow entries. Is…
Automated update request.
Is it possible to send automated update request on a specified date (column date)? I'm missing the function where, an automated update request is send on the date of a deadline.
Adding Task name to exported comments
Hello, when I do an export to PDF I get the comments on a separate page, which is all fine. However the reference on that page to the gannt chart is the Row Number. Is there a way of adding the Task Name to this comment page? The reason is that it can be a bit confusing to scroll up and down to reference the row and…
Looking for some guidance: need recommendation on the best template to use with client to track feed
Hi to all and thanks for considering my request. We're somewhat new to SS, have looked at all templates without finding a product evaluation feedback form that would allow users to share issues, insight, feature requests and help requests for a 30 day product evaluation period. I'm not expecting to find the EXACT template,…
Feature request: company holiday management in Workspace
Hi there, I've seen some discussion on these boards about managing non-working time. It seems there's two out-of-the-box options, either to have each individual project manage their time or have a sysadmin do it at a global level. Some have suggested blocking time using a dedicated gannt chart. For larger companies across…
List of Automated Reports
How can I list my automated reports? I've got a number of automated emails with report attachments going out to a wide audience on a regular basis. I want to tidy them up and reduce noise and redundancy. I'd prefer to avoid scanning through all of our reports manually if there's a better option. Thanks for any advice, Josh
How to create an auto incrementing number based upon checkbox
Hi everyone, I have a smartsheet where each row represents an "installation". One of the columns is called "Gone Live" and is of a type checkbox. I have created another column entitled "Number of Installs this year". In this column, I want to create a formula that checks the "Gone Live" field, and if the checkbox is…