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AIA G703 - Form Template

Gregg Wolin
Gregg Wolin ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I’ve created a modified version of the AIA G703 form in Smartsheet for use in monthly tracking of my financing of a land development project.  Each time a new funding request is made, a new sheet is submitted which includes a colum for “work previously completed” which needs to sum several columns from the previous funding request.  Is there a way to create a template that would create a blank sheet that pre-populates the “previously completed” column? 


  • Jason Anderson

    I don't think that could be done currently. I'm wondering, could you have one sheet that tracks the data for all your forms and then use reports to filter the data down to project/job or what-have-you? 

    If each row has the common AIA fields L->R ITem no. Dec. of work.... balance to finish, retainage.. etc. If you added columns for Application Number, Application Date, Period To, and Architects Project No: you could keep all your data as a rolling pool. From there you could use filtering and formulas to track things. Even have parent rows to help keep things tidy. 

  • Jeremy Walters

    Gregg - Is there a way you could share that with me?   I started to set one up myself, but if you have one it would be very helpful.  

  • judycbc559416
    edited 08/28/18

    AIA G703 - Form Template integration.  Any updates? I am also very intreested in this issue.  Thank you all.

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