Making sheets from a sheet
I know how to copy info from one sheet to another sheet. My question is...I've created an Application form for my employees to fill out. Is there a way to set up where a new sheet is created for each applicant and copies their info to it also. Meaning...Joe Smith fills out my application - then Smartsheets creates a brand…
Predecessor - Successor "Inspect" like in MS Project
A big miss in Smartsheet is the ability to evaluate predecessors and successors to understand easily what other activities are driving the schedule dates. The predecessor box is missing the date columns. And while we can now add a Successor column and see successor line numbers, there should also be a box we can open to…
Formula - Return month as text from a date cell.
I want to use the formula: =TEXT(*CELL WITH DATE*,"mmmm") But this doesn't seem to be a valid formula on Smartsheet. So if I have a cell with the date "01/01/19" - I want it to show "January" in another cell.
Enhanced Stacked Graphs or Heat Maps in Dashboard
Reports with multiple source data such as Project Manager, Size of Project, and # of Projects per PM- Should be able to translate nicely into a stacked graph. Have yet to find a way to do this without being suggested that we need to create a metrics sheet for each project to then roll into a portfolio metrics sheet. If the…
The expected progress percentage does not match the completed percentage.
Hello, I'm trying to set up my spreadsheet in a way that I can have a column that calculates the expected percentage of an activity for the current day based on the start date and end date. The formula I am using for this column is: Expected percentage: =IF(TODAY() > [End Date]@row; 1; IF(TODAY() >= [Start Date]@row;…
Duration and Predecessors: What to do when you have 1000s of rows?
Hi there, I have a sheet that contains original data as well as data imported from CSV files. We have a template that we use to copy the CSV data from different external sources. This template contains pre-built tasks and milestones, like this: The dates come in as TBD and the hierarchy is flat (no parent and child rows).…
Embed form in an automated email
I would like to be able to embed a form in an automated email that is sent out to people once a week, so that I can request status reports. I would like to use this, instead of an update request, so that I can have a historical record of previous status and comments. Embedding the form will improve the user experience,…
Logging time on hold
Hi, I am looking for a way to log the time a row's project status column is changed to on hold and then stop counting when the status is changed. It would be possible for the project to go on hold multiple times. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
How to import Microsoft Project Schedule into Project Management Office Template Set
Good day everyone, I am trying to implement the PMO Template Set for my PMO organization. We have been using MS Projects for our schedules for management of our projects. I would like to transition our existing and new projects to smart sheet. Is there a straight forward way to do so with out having to relink and…
Hiring for a senior project coordinator position - Kansas City
Hello community! I am hiring a senior project coordinator based in Kansas City. I work for WellSky, a software and services provider in the healthcare industry. This junior position requires a bachelor's degree and two years of experience and would work with me in our marketing organization. We will support the efforts of…