How do I prevent a category from showing up multiple times in a Pie/Donut Chart?


I made a pie chart from one of my sheets. I wanted to show how much was spent based on each category. However, in the widget it shows two of the same category in different slices. I'll include an example. Why is eLearning showing up as two separate parts instead of combined? Its the same category.


  • brianschmidt
    brianschmidt ✭✭✭✭✭

    Is it showing up in the source report separately as well? One thing to consider is that there may be a space after the word or something of that nature that is causing it to categorize it separately. A lot of times, the references in Smartsheet are very case-sensitive.

    If the problem persists, I would try:

    -Refreshing your browser

    -Logging out and back in

    -Trying on a different browser

    -If all else fails, submitting a request in the Smartsheet Support Portal 

    Hope this helps!:)

  • Christina2021

    The category comes from the drop-down menu in the source sheet which is what is confusing me. I'll submit a request in the support portal. Thanks!

  • brianschmidt
    brianschmidt ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yeah, that seems quite bizarre then. I hope you're able to get it sorted...

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Is the dropdown set to only allow those entries? Was it set up from day 1 and never changed? If not, it may not guarantee the data in the sheet is as per the drop down. For example, if you change the drop down, existing entries are not changed. You might not be able to enter anything different now but might have some entries with spaces at the end, like Brian suggested. I would filter on that column and see what is returned. And try over typing all the eLearning cells. Good luck!

  • Christina2021

    Yes, it is set up to only allow those entries. There were some categories added to the sheet but that was before I set up the widget. I think I will just create a new sheet altogether and see what happens with that. Thank you!