Resource Allocation in Parent Rows
Does Smartsheet allow resource loading parent rows? I am trying to assign parent rows to staff and allocate percentage on the parent row, but it does not allow allocation entry on the parent row. I do have resources enabled on the sheet. I do not want the parent row to sum the allocation percentage of the child rows.…
"Dashboards just got better"
Has anyone had any success creating a chart with nonadjacent columns following the recent communication that the charts have more options?
Need a workaround so Parent Rows stay children rows when sorting
As I understand it, Smart sheet does not have the function to keep parent rows with children on reports like on the filter function. Which baffles me! Is there a work around that anyone can recommend for our situation? We currently have a Ready@Spike Date column. This will indicate when each child row will be completed.…
IF(AND) Syntax Question
I am trying to correct the SYNTAX for the below scenario as I repeatedly get #INCORRECT ARGUEMENT SET as a result on line 3. In the column labeled "Today" I have the following formulas: LINE 1 =IF(MONTH(TODAY()) = [DOJ Anniversary (M)]1, "YES", "NO") ..... This returns the expected result. LINE 2 =IF(MONTH(TODAY()) = [DOJ…
Checklist Summary Reports
Id like to summarize status for a list of users involved on multiple project checklist. The dashboard function tells me I can only use numerical data in reports/widgets. Is there something I am missing? I want to provide a quick glance at overall status of multiple checklists.
Gantt timeline
Hi! I'm finding the Gantt timeline zoom options quite restrictive/extreme. Does anyone know whether there is way to either: - Zoom the timeline more variable than the standard extreme settings - Show 12-months' worth of timeline Thank you! Steve
Autofill based on the new entry in another sheet
I run constantly to the same problem and decided to shout out for help. Basically my problem can be defined as cross sheets conditional autofill. My case: Sheet 1 (offers) - sales people add data about new offers with the web form (that's OK) Sheet 2 (orders) - I need to bring data from the sheet 1, if offer's status is…
Filters in charts
I have a huge data set and that need to be filtered owner-wise in my bar/pie chart. However, I do not see any filter option available. Please help me if someone is aware of this.
Creating a Form with Row information
I am looking to create a form that populates information into specific rows, not based on columns. I see a few discussions from several years ago, but nothing recently to see if this is doable. Anyone know if this can be done?
Copying cards and substasks
Is it possible to copy cards and subtasks in the card view and have the new lines generated in grid view? Make sense? Im trying to copy all subtasks for a new card but just have the user update the main task name. Thanks