Non-working days are no longer greyed out - Bug?
Hello, We have recently begun working with Smartsheet and we detect that nonworking days are only greyed out when the setup gantt menu is openned. Is there a bug in our system or a configuration is needed? It occurs with a single new project without changing anything. We have seen a similar discussion but without…
Count Cells by Color
how do I count cells of a specif color in a row? Countif does not seem to do this as it does in Excel.
Round to nearest 0.5
Hello, We are building a time management sheet based upon a simple Smartsheet feeding information from a Form. After we've received the information we want to round the calculated results to the nearest 0.5 (see screen capture) The data we receive are collected and calculated in plain text/number columns. The Round formula…
Is it possible for summary bars on Gantt to be subject to conditional formatting?
Okay - My conditional formating on this sheet is set to change the color accross the entire row and bar. If status is checked, the gantt bar goes to grey, if not checked, it stays green. The summary bars are not changing. Is this possible? Thanks Jef
Is there a way of allowing Editors the capability to Sort Rows?
I have a Current User report available consolidating many projects into one so it doesn't become overwhelming to the users. But it seems they have no way of Sorting is there an option for this? Other then Admin doing this?
Smartsheet Sorting
Hi, Is it possible to sort data without having it sort the first two rows of data because the first two rows of data are my column titles. My column titles are just repeats of the smartsheet column titles. Thanks! Kevin Au
Month/Year to text
I am trying to extract the month and year out of a date column and join them to create a unique key. For example the value in the date column is 8/18/2017 I need a formula to return 82017 I can extract the month and the year without a problem, but when I try to combine them I get the sum of 8 and 2017.
Continuous Links between Sheets
I have a master (parent) sheet linked out to several child sheets, the master effectively pushes header information out to the child sheets. When a new row is added to the master, the child sheets fire off a notification to various teams requesting their input. This may not be the most efficient setup but it currently does…
Gantt timeline doesn't match project start and end dates
Hello there I am a new user and am stuck! My Gantt chart doesn't seem to update project info from the start and end dates. Also the top bar of the Gantt Chart has irrelevant dates that I cant seem to be able to change. Not sure what I am doing wrong Attaching a screenshot . Many thanks in advance
Notify an assignee that the predecessor required to start work has been completed.
I am looking for a solution that will allow an email to be sent to an assignee informing them that their part of a project can begin since a predecessor was completed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.