In Reports, why is group name header inconsistently different from sheet name?
I have a number of sheets in a report and the names are not showing correctly when grouped. When I check the properties for the sheet it is correct but does not show correctly when grouped. The sheets were copied as part of a folder Save As New... and renamed. from Bus Risk Register. Is there a fix for this?
Blueprint Reports not Connecting
I am working on a program blueprint currently and the functionality is not working how I'd expect. In this set-up, the program blueprint will get provisioned as its own workspace. I have several reports that I need to look to the workspace that it's in, in order to pull in all the project templates that we put in the…
Report Grouping Keeps Being Reset
Good day all, I have been have quite the issue with my reports that clients use and hope you can help. Any grouping I apply to the reports seems to undo itself after some time. I'd go back to the reports and suddenly it would be a complete mess. The sort seems to hold though. None of the clients have admin access so no one…
Malfunctioning dashboard widget based on Pivot report
Hello, My dashboard widget is showing the grand total column even though this is not a column I have selected on the source pivot report: Grand total showing: Grand total not an option in the "Columns Included" option: This columns header is not selected in the report (sourced by a pivot sheet). Can someone help me…
Process with parent row
Hello, i have a sheet with all quoatation i sent to client and some of them moved to status "approved"/"void". the process is after i get the PO, and after i finish the job that the client buy from me i forward request to my worker for issue a invoice. i have the summary for all quotation i sent where now is it (waiting…
Date/Time Stamp Option
While trying to figure something else out, I stumbled across a new option for having specific actions date/time stamped using the stem generated Modified (date) type column and the new Copy Row automation. . DISCLAIMER: This does not scale very well as is. If you have a lot of rows you are wanting to track a lot of changes…
Lock filters on reports for Admins
Please add the option to lock filters on reports from admins. This is important when having multiple reports on a dashboard geared towards different stakeholders, but still wanting them to have edit ability in the cells unlocked/filtered.
Can a photo or attachment be shown in the report?
Is it possible to show a photo as part of a report? We are looking at producing to A4 size, as well as a dashboard. Dashboard is fine, but how about in the report itself? Many thanks as always! Vanessa
Report to show last data entry only
Good morning, I am looking for a report to return a column value from the last sheet data entry. Essentially, I would like to create a dashboard that tells me whether my machine is online or offline based on the data that the operator puts into the highlighted column. I'm guessing that generating a report would be the best…
How do I sort by due date in a report?
Is there a way that once I have grouped in the primary data in a report I could sort by due date in that report? I have grouped the primary column and then summarized the start and due dates, but would then like to sort by the due date so the "Project-Interviewee#" and "Interview Name" is sorted in descending order by the…