Malfunctioning dashboard widget based on Pivot report



My dashboard widget is showing the grand total column even though this is not a column I have selected on the source pivot report:

Grand total showing:

Grand total not an option in the "Columns Included" option:

This columns header is not selected in the report (sourced by a pivot sheet).

Can someone help me troubleshoot? I want this dashboard widget to auto-update. I don't want to have to manually add someone every time a new individual starts working on a project

Best Answer


  • SolutionSal

    Hello, have you tried clicking 'Edit' under 'Data Source' and clicking and dragging across cells to select the specific data you're looking to include in the chart? I've found this helpful in the past to specifically exclude a totals column.

    Hope this helps!

  • Kayla Q
    Kayla Q ✭✭✭✭✭


    This actually does not work because I would like this visual to automatically update when new resources are added to the workspace and assigned projects. If I have to manually update the visuals each time this happens, it's not very effective.

  • Kayla Q
    Kayla Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @SolutionSal I actually figured this one out!

    I went to the original report and filtered out the "Grand Total" row.
