Dashboard - how to change Metric Widget data source after time of creation
How do i change the data source of a metric widget? You can 'add data' but this adds a new one. In my particular use case we can now copy and paste widgets between dashboards, however this is no way to edit the data, ie use the widget as a template. For me, we have a standard project template, and want a standard dashboard…
Date Modified
I have a sheet with a list of assets. There is a pull down menu that defines the status - I need to know when the menu is set to "complete". I can do that easily with a filter - but I want to cull the entries before a specific date. I have a Report that uses the 'is greater than-date modified' but I get results from all…
Report showing Jira hierarchy
We've setup the Jira connector and sheet indenting is correct. How can we have the same hierarchy setup in reports? When I group by epic all subtasks fall off... I don't see the option to group by Category which is available from other reports. Thank you!
Looking for some suggestions to a reporting challenge I am facing
My team currently uses a vertically formatted sheet as a Project Management Schedule. Using Gantt charts, we track tasks and milestones in rows vs columns. Of course, now, I'm being asked to report on that vertical data in a horizontally formatted report and I'm struggling to figure out the best way to do that in an…
Remove users from Sending a Report as an Attachment
Hi I have created a report and am "Sending it as an Attachment" to myself and three other users. Two of them are "free users". I'm trying to remove myself and one other user from the Sending as Attachment but our names are greyed out. How can I remove the two recipients from the distribution list?
Reporting Columns
Dear SS Team, I noticed that Reporting function sorts the reporting columns in alphabetical order rather then the column order in that particular sheet. Is there a way to disable this sorting and keep the column order while choosing which data to be reported? I am sure you will understand better from the Screen Shots.…
Color Assignments in Circle Graphs
Hi, I need to add some pie charts/circle graphs to a dashboard. I want the order of the items in the legend to be High Risk, Medium Risk, Low Risk and No Risk. I want the colors Red, Orange, Yellow and Green. I setup the charts and all is well, but it changes the legend to alphabetical and it keeps reassigning the colors…
Help with a report on reports
I built a couple of reports from one master sheet. Each row on the master sheet has more than one task to be completed. Only the task column/s that applies to that employee will show up on his/her report. Question: I want to make sure that all rows are being worked on every day. Is there a way I can I see which rows are…
Filtered Dashboards? Setting up a dashboard for a specific location
Hey guys, We are going to be using Smartsheet to track initiatives of our stores. Each of our 120 stores will have 6-20 initiatives inputted into a single form, each as its own row. This form has about 30 columns of various data points, including the store number, and the store manager (contact list). The managers will log…
Sharing Report Troubleshoot
Hi, I created and shared a report - made that person an editor/can share (and editor/can share with the sheet). That person can see it, but cannot add/edit anything. I cannot edit/add either on the report. I added things to the sheet/saved and that showed up in the person's report, but still cannot edit/add on the report.…