Countifs formula to count a value within a date range?
Our company has ongoing surveys and the raw data is organized by different dates (dates the survey was complete). We want to only count the cells for a particular date range in our calculations sheet to give us the survey results for that time frame. For example: I only want smartsheet to look at the surveys completed…
Self-updating report based on sheets in folder
Hi there, Is there a way that I can build a report so that when a new sheet is added to a smartsheet folder, the contents of the sheet then automatically gets compiled into a report? I saw that it was possible to select a folder when building a report, which I was really hoping would have that functionality. But it looks…
Is there any way to filter a row report by a sheet summary field value?
As an example, I have hundreds of project sheets in a workspace. Each sheet has a sheet summary that defines the owner, type and status of the project, among other things. I need to get a row report of open tasks, but I only want to include sheets that have a sheet summary status of Follow Up. I don't want to have to…
Dashboard - missing source report error when report shared as advanced dashboard viewer
My team are getting a error of "Missing Source Report" when viewing their Dashboard for any reports that are set with the advanced report widget option of Dashboard Viewer. They can see it if I change it to Widget Editor however, they only see my information as the report creator not their own as it should be for the…
Rolling up multiple projects onto a dashboard
Is there a way to roll up the critical pathways and key milestones for multiple projects / smartsheets into one dashboard?
Template for tracking vehicle orders
Hello Smartsheet community, New to Smartsheet and hoping there is a timeplate that can help me with tracking vehicle orders. I have multiple orders open that I am waiting for the vehicles to be delivered. The orders vary from 1 to 75 vehicles and are of various make & models. I need to report on the overall status of all…
Displaying Pending and Submitted Update Requests through Reports or Dashboards
Hi, I am using smartsheet to manage the project work plan. Through the automation, I am sending update requests to task managers. I am worried that the update request emails be lost as some people regard them as spam emails. I thought if I can I show a list of pending and submitted update requests on either a report or…
Report / Compile Data on Multiple Sheets and select different date ranges
Two separate sheets: Employees: a sheet that contains a list of all employees Data: a sheet that contains data for some employees by quarter and by fiscal year The two sheets contain a common element: Contact name/employee email address I would like to see all employees with or without data for each quarter for one or more…
Text wrap in grouped report fields
Hello! First of all, I want to say that I love the new grouping function in the report builder. It's a game changer. I'm having trouble, though. In one report, the fields I'm grouping on are text fields, and they can get quite long. The underlying sheet has text wrap on for those fields, but that formatting does not carry…
Can I pull a report based on who has access to specific reports/dashboards for governance ?
In line with GDPR, I need to be able to pull monthly reporting on who access access to specific sheets. Is this possible?