Need help in AverageIf formula with 2 condition
Hi team, I need help with an AverageIF formula. I am working on the request tracking system for Import shipment. I would like to calculate the average days in transit with 2 conditions, 1. Country (USA, UK, Sweden, etc), 2. Mode of transit (Air mode, Ocean Mode, Courier mode) + Average days in transit. Existing AverageIF…
Calculating percentage based on status options across multiple columns
I am trying to average the sum across multiple columns. Each column is a single select dropdown that will allow the user to choose from the following options: ⦸ (Not applicable) ◷ (in progress) ✓ (Complete) I want to assign values to these symbols. ⦸ = 1 ◷ = 0.5 ✓ = 1 I have only been able to get the following formula to…
Filtering by a Summary sheet field in a Row Report
I am trying to create a report that will include not completed tasks from all my projects with a due date either 5 days in the past or 5 days in the future. This way I can look at it and either get updates or make sure the resources are working on the tasks due soon. However, I have cancelled projects in my workspace that…
Trying to accurately gather % complete based on statuses and excluding N/A in children rows
Hi all! I am revamping a project task list template that my team uses each time we are building a new location. We'd like a high level completion status for each department involved in these projects, but I'm running into a bit of a hiccup with my formula. In the Status column of the departmental parent rows, I am using…
Count dates within a specific range
I am collecting performance data for my project. I have a report that contains all of the data I want to analyze and report statistics on. I'd like to look through a column containing dates including some empty cells, and count how many cells contain dates within a specific range. I'd like to count cells containing dates…
How to find 2 values from a multi-select column for reporting
I am trying to count how many times in a smartsheet 2 values show up in a multi-select column. example: i have a multi-select column with multiple options and I want to count how many times "Drainage" and "Roadway" are both selected. This can be done with the filter in the grid using the "has all of" options. This is the…
How can I display row numbers in a Report on my dashboard?
I have a sheet with a row of data. I have a report that pulls some of this data, and sorts it by suburb. I want to insert this report into my dashboard but include a row number to make it easier for those who view my dashboard to reference the data. Is there any way to do this? Thankyou
Client cannot view report
I want to share a report with a client however I cannot give them access to the source sheet as there is sensitive data that I don't want to share.
Using Reports on Dashboards - Current User
Hi there, I have a report that shows a timeline for each of our clients and it is filtered by Current User based on assigned tasks. I was working on building out some dashboards for our Account Managers and when I add the Report Widget to the dashboard it shows my tasks to the end user and not theirs. Is there a way to get…
API - Report Filters in API query
Hi, Does anyone know if there is a way to pull via the API, the Filters, Group and Summarize parameters of a report? I am wanting to store this info somewhere safe in the event of a data loss event occurring and needing to rebuild the many reports we have in the tool today. I can't seem to find any parameters on the…