Can I export a sheet's shared users list?
Hi, Is there a way to export the users shared to a particular sheet with the user information (name, email)? I don't need the whole account. Just a specific sheet.
Multiple Sheet Common Report
I am looking to set up a report or another function that can pull any names that are on two different sheets. I have two different groups and I want to see if the name from someone on list A is also on list B. Is there a way to do this? One list has about 2500 individuals and the other list has about 13,000.
OnCriticalPath in a formula?
Hi - Anyone know of a way to build a formula that determines if a row is on the critical path? It looks like, although we can filter rows by critical path we can't access that tag within a formula. My goal is to add a column called "on critical path?" that is checked if the row is on the Critical Path, and unchecked if it…
Autocomplete date range
Hi All, This is likely something quite straight forward that I'm over looking, but hoping someone may be able to advise - Still relativly new to smartsheets. I have a smartsheet, in which each row reports based on week numbers, such as the below formula. =COUNTIFS({Enquiry Tracker (V1) Range 4}, <=DATE(2020, 9, 6),…
How can I improve the efficiency of my sheet?
We are using a sheet to track a number of different measures which will provide a baseline for Q4 2020. These measures are tracked for a month, with detail and a RAG status being provided by a number of different people once a week from October 9th - 30th. At the moment, we have a separate column for each detail and RAG…
Totaling across summary sheets
I have created summary sheets in several of my departmental sheets to take the place of the metric section at the top. How can I summarize across all of the summary sheets? I see I can pull them into a report, but I cannot add a Totals or Average field summarize across the summary sheets. I thought I would simply add a…
My Smartsheet Wishlist
I wish, I wish upon a sheet that these will someday be a reality...if some of these are already posted, I apologize... Product team - most, if not all, of these were sent to Scott Willeke verbally or via e-mail so he could lend more context. These items are some of the things that would make Smartsheet even smoother.…
Overlapping Labels on Bar Charts
I am using a stacked bar graph in order to show a breakdown of projected costs and where they come from. However, when using Data Labels, the totals and highest portion overlap. So far I have not been able to find a way to move labels around at all. I am specifically looking for a way to see the summed totals per month,…
"contains" logic in Report Builder to include "and" instead of just "or"
I'm building a report using the "contains" logic on the Primary field called "Task Name". I'd like the report to return the rows whose Task Name includes the words "Phase" AND "Review". I cannot figure out how to execute this logic as it defaults to including rows whose Task Name include the words "Phase" OR "Review". This…
"contains" logic in report builder returns rows that don't include the specific text
I'm building a report where I would like the report to include rows whose primary column includes the text "ORR". The report includes rows that I want, but also includes rows that include the word "correction" because that word includes the same string of characters. Is there a way to limit it so that rows with only that…