Looking for suggestions - master formula errors report
Hi all, looking for suggestions based on others' experiences. We have a series of dashboards and their respective back end sheets that occasionally throw formula errors for various reasons. I'm hoping I can leach some ideas from the Community on creating a master report/notification that informs us when any error occurs.…
Help setting up Inventory report with possible graphs
Hello, We are using Smartsheet as a temporary monthly server inventory reconciliation. There are about 10 columns/headers to print, 700 lines. I haven't used Smartsheet before so I'm finding it difficult to locate how to set up a report. Its the first month of showing all the inventory as such. The lines are machine name,…
Report which pulls from multiple tables used to validate data coming into a process
i have a scenario where the business would like to validate data coming into a process and check to see if this data set has already been visited (decision made on how to handle it), it it was decided upon, then the record would adopt certain fields and the record would move into the tables. If it was not visited before…
How can I stop a "send as attachment" email notification on a deleted report?
I had set up a weekly schedule to send a report as an attachment for a team member. This team member has now left the team, and I deleted this report as it was only relevant to them. I assumed that would end the weekly notification emails being sent to them, or I didn't really give it a second thought since that email…
Referencing the last comment to update a column
Hi Community, I've started a Software Issue tracker and so far I've found ways to display the information how I'd like it. I hit a road block when trying to display the latest comment a field on the spreadsheet. I'd still like to use the comments thread so other Project Stakeholders can reference the communication for each…
Filter for Current User - View on Dashboard not working as planned
Hello Smartsheet people, I have a report that is pulling in all open tickets from a single source sheet, and I want the report displayed on a dashboard. I want this specific report to only show the tickets assigned to the current viewer of the dashboard. The 'has current user' filter is on, and the column type is a contact…
Dashboard - Variable Applied to all reports, graphs etc
Hi I have a requirement to report on the current data for a period and using a Dashboard makes a lot of sense except that since I have to analyse the data every week I need to redo the report each time I want to change It would be great if I could create a variable (1 or more) that can be applied to the incoming smartsheet…
How to add primary column to report
I am unable to click the 'columns' button at the top right when creating a report and add the primary column. Down below that in the filtered section it will let me add it, but not data shows up. It is a free text field where the guys on the job type in their notes from that day's work. I would like it to report out so…
Totals from report or sheet summary for dashboard
Hi I have been able to create a sheet summary report and standard report from my sheets - aprox 10 sheets. I want to put a single $ from all the sheet totals into one figure on the dashboard. I can only get the reports to provide individual sheet totals. How do I sum a Grand total from a report? Thanks
Is there a way to show the report and give edit access to add comments and add attachments?
I have designed a workflow for our team and used the Request system workflow as a start. I created a report and attached the link in the email when someone submits the form. I have this report linked with the underlined sheet where my entire team works. V have information that shouldn't be shared with anyone outside the…