Sheet Data Reports
Hello SmartSheet community! We've been using Smartsheet for a while now throughout our company and so far have several sheets. Some have important deadlines/dates while some just have to-do lists with several tasks that are flagged as important. I'm having difficulty figuring out how to compile all of the upcoming dates,…
How to add few texts/words on countif(s) formula
Hi, can someone help me on the correct formula that I should use? I wanted to get the number of projects based on their status however the countif formula that I am trying to use doesn't work in Smarsheet but works in Excel. Below is the formula I used in Excel that worked: =COUNTIFS(B3:B11,"*contract…
Report Ques
Is there any way to merge two sheets of different data into one? See image - i want demographic data from one and then recorded actions from another sheet.
Is there a way to NOT auto number the 1st Row? ...and other SUM row questions.
I am using the first row for totals and it is throwing my auto numbering system off. Is there a way to have the auto number start on row 2? Alternatively, if I put my totals on the last row, the web form will populate new rows below my totals. What are some best practices to display my column totals on a continuously…
Email distribution lists?
Hi everyone, We send out reports/minutes via Smartsheet after many meetings. It is somewhat time consuming to type out all the folks in the "To" line each and everytime we send the update. Is there a quicker way?
Clock Hour Progress Management
Hello, My name is James Smith. I am an Instructor for Gateway Community College in Phoenix, AZ. I am Looking for alternative methods to track time as student’s progress through our courses. I am not looking for a time management system, just a tool to enter a student’s hours into a spreadsheet or software to help me manage…
Printing cell history value
I have A1 and B1 which are two different dates (for illustration: A1 is today's date, and the other in the following day). I have data value in Cell C that is changed daily by another cell linking formula from other sheet. Then I have cell A2 and B2 -- the formula in these cells is: =IF(today()=ColumnA1,CellC) and…
Chart data ranges
I am creating a dashboard with two separate charts. I want to compare the data between the two charts but the data ranges for each chart is different. One goes from 120 to 200 and the other goes from 100 to 500. Is there a way to set what the data ranges for the charts?
Turnaround time for the month of...
I have a sheet with thousands of projects. When a project is finished there is a cell that automatically calculates the turnaround time. There is also a column for the date the project was finished. The projects are not ordered by date. On another sheet I need to calculate the average turnaround time for a given month for…
Report connecting multiple sheets
I would like to create a single report pulling data from multiple sheets based on primary column, start end date, Assigned to and status. How could I achieve that? Currently even if I add multiple sheet to report criteria it pulls data only form 1 sheet.