Enhancement Request: Edit Row from Desktop like App
In a Report, when I select Edit from the row menu, I can see all content in the underlying row, even the columns not shown on the Report. When I do the same from the Smartsheet App on a tablet/smartphone, I only see the columns that are in the Report. I would prefer the same behavior from my browser desktop version (only…
Filter default settings
I use up to 5 sheets at any one time, each containing information relating to different customers. I frequently need to filter information on any particular sub-client via a text/number column. The default ‘Create New Filter’ uses “contains” for me to enter a unique name of the sub-client, and all rows applicable to that…
Help on Formula: if function
Hi all, Please need your help. I'm new to formulas and I've been trying to figure out the right formula for my project status and progress report but I kept getting errors. I have tried the below formula in excel and it worked but not in smartsheet (the smartsheet formula below is another trial I did that did not work).…
Will Smartsheet ever support pivot tables or graphs of the data?
Wondering if Smartsheet will support pivot tables or graphs of the data? Would be ideal if this was a widget option in the dashboard views that could be shared with a group.
Excel Dashboard Templates
Is there any way to upload an Excel dashboard into Smartsheets so that it is converted to a Smartsheets dashboard? My boss is interested in using the Excel templates but annoyed that there aren't any templates available for Smartsheet dashboards. The beauty of the Smartsheet Dashboards is that external executives can…
Project Time Tracking
Good morning, Does Smartsheet have, or plan to add, a timer feature for deliverables? Currently our project leads track their time manually or use programs such as the Outlook journal. I would like a feature in Smartsheet where a user can start a timer on a row and the duration would update each time a user starts and…
Lookup reference in another row referenced
Hello, Possibly this cannot be done in Smartsheet. I am trying to port over our drawing list coordination sheet from excel to Smartsheet. The formula uses Lookup in Excel - actual revision number to find on the same row that number - then return the date of that column from the first row of the sheet. The excel formula is…
Recurring PDF attachments views - Gantt and calendar
Hi all, I have two views that need to be sent as a PDF on a biweekly basis. I'm looking for the following: 1) Calendar view export that shows launch dates within the current month and next two months - I'm aware I can set report parameters to show everything launching within the next 90 days, but I want to be sure that,…
Can we please include widget for including iframe ?
Smartsheet community, I have tried smartsheet labs for the charts and have a live iframe to be embedded in the Dashboard but there is a no widget to include iframes. can we include this and do we have better options for charts and dashboards in smartsheets as i feel still a long way to go for better dashboards in…
Cell linking report sheet linking
I have created a set of reports (that selects this project) and an overview/summary sheet that has links into the underlying Project Sheet. We use these set as a template to save an copy to a new workspace or folder for each project. I am hoping there is a way to make the project/sheet links stay within the…