Hi - is there a way to convert a project sheet with items that have Start/End dates listed, into a week by week summary report that shows the status of each of those items in a particular week? In any…
All, I am using Smartsheets to track time, and have run into an issue that I have to believe there is a workaround for. We need our associates to track their time with specific job and client IDs. Thi…
Not receiving any updates or reports today. Is there anything wrong? I have automatically scheduled reports to be delivered daily at 10am via email. I have received nothing today. It is almost noon. I…
Is there a way to create a WebForm that would allow my Project managers to do Weekly updates on each "sheet" or project? If so, Can that information be placed in a central point? It appears I can only…
The director of our department wants to use Smartsheet to consolidate status reports across multiple managers showing the latest status update for a Task(Row). We could do this in one sheet, but we wa…
Can't figure this one out. Hoping someone can help. I have 6 sheets for various projects we are working on. Each sheet has at least one level of heirarchy and some have up to 3 (parent/child/grandchil…
I am using smart sheets for project planning purposes. Each plan will have hundreds of tasks. About ten of these tasks will be what I class as a 'key milestone / deliverable'. I use another system (Sa…
I am really looking forward to any updates on the reports output. currently the output into Excel is not very professional and needs to be tweeked each time. Really looking for a mechanism to set up t…
Has anyone used the report function to create a form letter. The report would pull static data from one sheet and dynamic entered by a web form from another sheet. Thoughts?
When I select the "What?" criteria for running a report, it wants a number and not all columns contain numbers, some contain tasks written in text. Is there a workaround? Do column headings need to be…