Is there a template out ther somewhere to take all projects shared to an individual and create a weekly report (timecard) showing the number of hours that indiviual is scheduled to work on each projec…
I'm trying to create a report where i only see records with End Date = this week. (so not 'the coming 7 days' or something, only this week#) I have column 'Week# that shows the week# of the field 'End…
Hi All, I'm interested if anyone has found a good way to use sheets or reports to count fields meeting a given criteria from another sheet. In my particular case I have one sheet that lists (and links…
For sales I have been advised not to use heirarchies to group things by areas like likelihood, potential size, stage of progress, etc, because once they're a few pages long it's a bit unweildy. I was …
I have a survey web form. One of the questions is "likelihood to recommend" with a dropdown list of 0 - 10. I'm trying to build a report from this web form that will automatically calculate the net pr…
I would like to create a report in a Workspace that is view only to a group in that Workspace, and have this report pulled from a sheet in another Workspace that this Group would not be allowed to vie…
Howdy! I have five sheets that my regional teams update about their current status of projects. I am wanting to create a report that shows a breakdown by count of each region. For example, if the West…