Website report shows Link out to: <unknown sheet>
We I use iframe to put a report on my web page, after it loads on the page I see the message Link out to: <unknown sheet>, What is causing this and how to I fix it? The report comes from a single sheet.
Merged: Reports Calculated Field
This discussion has been merged.
Merged: export PDF with grouping in report
This discussion has been merged.
Duration column chart for a dashboard
Hey, I am trying to build a chart that shows me the duration of the tasks. I would like this to be a bar chart, so i can see how long each task took in comparison (these are the same tasks in different projects that take people different amount of time). I am unable to use a report that shows the primary column and the…
Reporting filtering
Hello Im trying to sort/filter/group by report by assigned to and no's and then assigned to yes in Alphabetical order so Alex would reflect as 1 no and two yes's and then list Brett as 2 no's and 1 yes. Is that even possible?
Convert Report Filter to Sheet Summary Formula
I have a number of reports with sophisticated filters that use an important master sheet as the source. I'd like to have the ability to create a formula from a report that I can paste into the master sheet's Sheet Summary section in a COUNTIF or SUMIF format. This function could be in the File menu under Save Filter As...…
My Tasks report please help me troubleshoot!
I have set up a My Tasks report for leaders, and it's not working, which is not good. They don't have access to the underlying sheet - is that why? (in which case what's the point?) It's linked to the right sheet, and is filtered for a contact column where when filtered for "has any of" you see everyone's emails listed…
List of reports and sheets used in dashboards and sheets in reports
Is there a way to generate a list of sheets and reports that are used in a dashboard? If not a report, is there somewhere: In the sheet that will show it's used in a report or dashboard In the report that will show it's used in a dashboard or that it uses a sheet In the dashboard that will show it uses a sheet or report
Merged: Add Calculated Column Functionality to Reports
This discussion has been merged.
Report - Sorting
Hello Community I'm about to pull my hair out with Reports and sorting. I have 24 source sheets, 10 columns selected, no filters or grouping but I want to order my sheets by Order column. The Order column properties are a drop down list (I did try just a text property but that didn't work either). Below are the drop down…