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Provide users with the ability to Print a Grouped Report



  • SaulB
    SaulB ✭✭

    +1 to this request, It would really help

  • make a function to export report in PDF with grouping option

  • This is a critical feature. It's a pretty old request, do you have a timeline on when it will be released?

  • Barry B
    Barry B ✭✭

    A grouping option for printing reports is an essential feature of creating reports in the first place. Is this something that will be available soon?

  • Just to add fuel to the fire - this is a feature that I would definitely benefit from and find surprising that it isn't already implemented as it seems common sense and an obvious requirement.

    Regarding the dashboard workaround, the line restriction isn't an issue for me however the formatting and scaling of exporting these isn't what I am trying to achieve.

  • This gap creates a massive headache for me. This change addresses a product gap; it is not a new "feature." If the operational impact is tracked, this should be Critical, as there is no reasonable viable workaround.

  • Erik Jensen
    Erik Jensen ✭✭✭✭

    I am absolutely gobsmacked that this is even an issue. I am an avid proponent of Smartsheet as it does so many things so well. How the heck is this even an issue?!? What hasn't this been fixed yet?!?

    This is something that SHOULD NOT REQUIRE subscribers having to pony up for Dynamic View. C'mon Smartsheet. Do better.

  • jo904
    jo904 ✭✭

    Adding my vote. Please please fix this.

  • When creating a Report we want to be able to create SUM columns that are on the bottom of the report. Right now, when creating a sum, it sits at the top of the report. Also, when we print the report, the total DOES NOT print. We need to be able to print a report with a total at the bottom of the report that shows up on the printout.