Sort data in multiple columns in order by date
Hello! I have an overview sheet where each job is it's own line and each column is a specific milestone I'd like to track that is linked back to the source timeline. I created a report with just the job names, job number, and then review 1, review2, review 3. Each review column has a date assigned to it (linked from the…
Extract name from Team Column
I have a form where a user identifies all the people from different departments and input their names in the Team Column. There are times when people are not filling it out for various reasons (wasn't part of the team, forgot by the team member or the original created by user, etc..). I want to be able to check if the…
How can I change the WBS phase number for my WBS by phase?
Hello, I am trying to figure out how to change the WBS phase number for specific tasks in my project. For some reason a group of about 15 tasks is assigned to phase 1 in my WBS, but they should be phase 10. The WBS number is showing 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 and so on, but the phases for these are locked in. How can I assign…
Primary Column Options
I am sure this has been said before but I would love the ability to expand the primary column choices from just text to also date columns. This would be really helpful for us folks in manufacturing when it comes to daily metrics.
Filter for rows that are due to day and in the past
I want to be able to filter a sheet to show the rows that are due to today and any that are overdue, i.e. in the past. i have a column called due date and another called status which is either started or complete. the filter i have on is 'status = started' and 'due date = today' . however i would want to filter on 'due…
Projektfortschritt innerhalb der letzten 30 Tage
Auf einem Projektplan wird mir der Erfüllungsgrad des Vorhabens durch die Abhängigkeitseinstellungen (Start/Ende/Erfüllungsgrad) wiedergegeben. Auf einem Projektedashboard möchte ich gerne tagesaktuell, jeweils die zurückliegenden 30Tage betrachten und für diesen Zeitraum (Datum heute/-30 Tage) den %tualen Fortschritt…
How would you measure progress by quarter
Hi there, I am hoping to crowdsource some creative answers to a question that has been asked of me by my leadership team. I currently have a Project Management Office/Organization set up in Smartsheet where projects come in with a request form and are managed on an intake sheet, get their own project planning grid &…
Can Bridge get data from Admin > Groups?
Is there a known or suggested method or Bridge workflow I may use to record data from Admin Center > Groups to a Smartsheet? I want a workflow to look up the groups in our plan's Admin Center and replace the rows of a sheet and column on a daily recurrence.
Can I combine multiple rows into one row on a Gantt Chart?
Dear all, I want to aggregate multiple project schedules into a master schedule. When copying the milestones from various projects into a single sheet, my overall Gantt Chart displays an event as a row, and each project occupies many rows. Is there any method to combine multiple rows into one row and use one row to present…
Using Multiple Forms to Update a Single Row
Is there a way to use multiple forms to feed into a single row? An example would be our orthopedics program. Our coordinator collects several pieces of information from multiple departments (OR, Pre-Surgical, Med/Surg Nursing Floor, Education, etc.) Can I build something so she can create a row per patient with their ID…