Report vs workspace permissions
Hi all, can someone please verify whether the workspace-level permissions override the sheet or report-level permissions? For example, I have a user I'd like to have Viewer permission on the overall workspace but Editor permission on a specific report. He has Editor permission on the underlying source sheet (located…
Help with SUMIFS & INDEX/MATCH Formulas
I need to first find the column number where the number 1 resides on the "Lookup Value -->" row. Next, I need to shift two columns to the right, which would be "4/2019 C" and sum the values for Client B, I have tried various combinations of SUMIFS, INDEX(MATCH()), etc.,but with my last attempt, I received #INVALID VALUE…
Trouble creating COUNTIFS
For the life of me I cant get SS to sum certain target values. For example I have an "Audit Status" column with drop down functions, some of these functions represent being "completed" and I have a sheet that I want to reference these variables as combined. i.e. Completed, Not Required, QC Complete, and Bypass QC all mean…
Embedded sheet in dashboard - problems
HI all I've embedded a Smartsheet sheet in a dashboard and it displays as tiles (which is what I want). I'm the owner and there are two other collaborators. They have been able to open the tile and add content to the fields but now that's stopped. They can open the tile, scroll to a field but when they start typing, they…
Creating Summary on the Fly
This may be a dumb question but I have a sheet Orders that is auto-updated every morning via the Data Uploader. So the list of items changes on a daily basis... sometimes the same items are listed and sometimes new items are listed as well. Is there a way I can create a summary sheet or grouping of duplicate items and…
Referencing other sheets
Ok I have one sheet that I have a formula in that references the data in another sheet. The name of the source sheet is "Drug Seizures" When I start my formula in the destination sheet, I click on reference other sheet, select "Drug Seizures" and then the data I want to reference. When I look at the formula in the…
Updating Rows on different sheet assigned to a user?
Dear All,new here, apologies if this has been discussed before, couldn't find anything. A question regarding the following scenario: Imagine a sheet (sheet 1) in which a user/department ads their requests assigning a task to a specific user/owner. Is it possible to update the sheet of the owner only when a task is assigned…
Custom Views
Hi everybody, this is probably not a new one, but I've not been able to immediately identify the right thread - therefore let's try again: We've started a new sheet with some intense collaboration, and everybody has his preferred view in the meaning of what to collapse and what to extend (preferences as well change over…
Keyboard Shortcut to attach a link in a cell?
Hi, Is there a keyboard shortcut to attach a link in a cell? I know that I can right click on a cell, then click on hyperlink to put in a link. It would be a lot faster if I could just use control K on my keyboard similar to outlook and excel. Any thoughts?
HELP! RYB Color Change Based on Dates
Hello everyone, I am currently using this: =IF(NOT(ISBLANK(Completion4)), IF([Estimated End]4 >= Completion4, "Green", IF(NOT(ISBLANK(Completion4)), IF([Estimated End]4 < Completion4, "Red")))) Which is working but I try to add this: IF(ISBLANK(Completion3), IF(NOT(ISBLANK(Supervisor4)), "Yellow" And it doesn't work, I'm…