New Features in Smartsheet
Hello Community, We recently updated Smartsheet to include some new helpful features. This update is centered around formatting improvements, and a way to give ownership of your sheets to other licensed Smartsheet users. Here's a breakdown of the updates: * You can now double-click on the Format Painter button to "lock" it…
Can you auto-replicate rows in a sheet based on a cell value?
We're putting together a Proof of Concept for our project management team. We're "this close" to being able to replicate all the functionality they need. But, we're stumbling on one item. They would like Smartsheet to automatically replicate a row when the value in one of the cells is set a certain way. Specifically,…
Column Not Found
Hello! When I am filtering down information from a sheet into multiple reports, a few of my columns are labeled as 'not found'. I haven’t renamed the columns, which I understand could cause this -although on one of the columns I changed the column type from 'symbols' to 'text' fairly recently (but not for my other one).…
Auto fill column?
Hi, everyone. I don't know if this is a possibility or not but I'm hoping someone can help. I'm looking to see if it's possible to set a formula/equation/conditional formatting so that what's entered in one column will autofill another. Example: I have a column called Access Requested (dropdown) and another called Type of…
Calculating a day from a date
I've got a column (called "Dates") formatted as dates. I would like the adjacent column to show the day of the week that date falls on. Using the formula =text((Date1), "dddd") brings back an #unparseable error in the cell. I've tried using brackets instead of parenthesis but it hasn't worked. I must be messing up the…
Translating Data from One Sheet to Another
I am looking for any method that could help me obtain the desired results. I have a tracking sheet titled “PM Sales Tracking” and within the tracking sheet there is a column that is called “Design Request” I have edited the column properties(design request) to a “dropdown list” with values of “yes and no” depending on the…
Linking Sheets
I am working on a master SmartSheet to roll up other Sheets into one. When changes are made in the linked SmartSheets, this is not reflected in the master. If I add additional rows, my master is not updated What I am missing?
Dear, I now have 10 sheets, can expand to 30 sheets.
converting data sheet to format below
Hi, I am trying to convert a data sheet into a widget like the one below. Does anyone know how I can do this? Thank you! Lindel
New UI 12-14-2018
This UI is terrible, I don't even want to waste my time explaining why at this point, it is OBVIOUS. At this time I am contemplating updating all training materials, SOP's and videos or just throwing in the towel and searching for a replacement. I simply do not have the time to re-learn, re-document, re-train every time…