Populate a Sheet from SQL server query (C#)
Hi Everyone, I need some help with a fairly simple task we are trying to accomplish -but i am having some hard time getting it to work - We are reading from a SQL server and some of the result needs to be populated into Smartsheet. As i am using Dataset - and trying to update each value on the variable "ProjectName" into a…
Working Days
Hello, I am trying to set conditional formatting to highlight due date cells when it is within 3 working days, however the sheet counts Saturday and Sunday as days. Is there anyway of setting the sheet so saturday & sunday do not count as days?
Dashboard showing status of symbols
Hello community, I apologize if this comes across as trivial, but I am wondering what the optimal solution is to show charts (pie, mostly) showing what percentage of cells in a sheet have the symbol Red Dot / Green Dot / etc. Can I access those symbols directly? Or can I do some sort of IF statement which assigns a value…
Sharing one sheet to two workspaces?
Is there a way to share one sheet to two workspaces? Would you have to copy the sheet and have all fields linked so that the changes you make to one sheet would show up in the other sheet? Thanks!
Delete all comments and data of a sheet
Hi, how can I delete all comments for all rows in one go for a sheet? Thanks
Scrambles Subtasks
Is there a reason why my subtasks keep getting mixed up in different entries? For Example, Job "A" has 10 subtasks, Job "B" has 5 subtasks. Once saved, Job "A" showing all 15 subtasks???
Retrieve deleted sheets
Hi, We accidentally deleted the sheets in our accounts, because we want to change the plan. Case number 02911830 Can you please help us how to get back the sheets that were deleted from "deleted items"? Thank you, Divya
Invalid recipients in Alerts and Actions rule
We have lots of alerts/actions/notification rules setup across lots of sheets. When I delete a user due to employee termination, then I get this message: "Invalid recipients in Alerts and Actions rule" I don't want to have to dig through dozens of sheets to remove the people, how can I do this on a mass scale?
Zapier sends string, but Smartsheet processes as an integer
We use a unique number sequence by combining two integers for each row sent to Smartsheet. I worked with Zapier to verify that the integers are sent to Smartsheet as a string, not a number. What I am seeing is if the string is not long enough, Smartsheet converts the information to a number and our formulas do not…