Requirement Traceability
Hi there - We are struggling with some inadequacies with our internal requirements management system and are looking for a workaround or way to leverage Smartsheet for this purpose. Main goals being requirement traceability and bulk uploads. Has anyone leveraged Smartsheet for requirement management and repository…
Request - Find and Replace option in project sheets
While using my project sheet, I will perform a Save as New to copy my format; however I will need to do bulk changes. It would be such a time saver if I could perform a Find/Replace (all).
What is the best way to consolidate data from multiple sheets?
I have multiple projects running side by side and I need a method to view a high level overview of all my projects with real data and a Gantt chart. I know I can use reports but reports do not support Gantt charts or a calendar. Does anyone have a better solution for how to do this?
Auto populating Formula Issues
I have an existing sheet with formulas to compute "netdays" left for a task, the task and variables live on the same row. That sheet has a form which allows for a user to add to the sheet a new task and assign, within the form, a start and end date. These dates are the variables that contribute to the formula. My issue is…
Default Styling for Form Submission
Is there a way for form submissions that get added to my sheet to automatically adhere to the stylings of the sheet? It's been a little annoying to change the fonts and sizes each time...
Sharing Sheet with Filter only
Enhancement Request: Our company needs the ability to share a sheet with two or more providers and due to confidentiality we need that information to be filtered and locked in the filter so they are unable to see the general sheet. But we still need for the provider to be able to make changes to the sheet with their…
Dashboard/Sights as templates
Hello all, is it possible to save dashboards as templates? I want to make different sheets with the same template and different data, but also have the same dashboard and different data for each of them, is it possible to add the dashboard as a template and automatically have them connect to the data of the sheets? Kind…
Automatic Quarterly Reminders?
Hi there! I am building a database to monitor multiple cashflows and am tying to figure out the best way to set up an automatic reminder for the person responsible for each cashflow to update financial information on a quarterly basis. I was thinking of creating reminder date columns (and hiding them) for each quarter. Is…
IF statements
So I have this formula for the 'Assigned to' column: =IF([Updated by]1 = "jillian@email.com", "alex@email.com", "mark@email.com") where if someone updates and saves a row, if the email of the person who updated matches the one in the IF, it will assign to the first employee, otherwise it's assigned to a different employee.…
Linking smartsheet cells to Google sheets
Can we link a particular set of cells or values from Smartsheet to a Google sheet? If yes, then how can we do it?