For our use, it would be of great assistance if when you are within a workspace, which is housing, say 50 sheets, you could check all and using the actions button duplicate all sheets. I could then move those sheets to a different folder while keeping the data needed and deleting what isn't. We tried templates but our…
Can I remove the 'login' link when sending a row by email
We are using a smartsheet to create and sending accommodation quotations. If I send a row of data by email, the recipient gets a nice view of the data in a vertical format, but sees a 'login' link at the top of the email. This is confusing for the recipient as they cannot login to the smartsheet account - we do not want to…
limitation on visible characters per cell (110 characters)
Hello Smartsheet Community, There seems to be from my tests, a limitation on the number of visible characters per cell. I added about 200+ characters and only 110 are visibile. Even if I expand the cell and activate the "wrap text" function, same results. Is this hardcoded? thank you
How to clear the clipboard?
Hi there, I am having difficulties with copy & pasting from one sheet to another, i.e. when I copy some new cells it still pastes the previous cells that I pasted. Does anyone know how to overcome this / clear the clipboard? Thanks, Paul
Does Smartsheet keep previous versions of spreadsheets?
I am wondering if smartsheet keeps previous versions of spreadsheets on the off chance of the sheet being completely deleted?
Smartsheet Error: formName: ajax fa_loadContainer serverStatus: false serverStatusText: CriticalExce
What is the cause of this error? How can we prevent this from happening again? Is there anyone experiencing the same error? formName: ajax formAction: fa_loadContainer serverStatus: false serverStatusText: CriticalException errorCode: 6
Looking to Hire Smartsheet Help
Hi all, I see so many great features with Smartsheet, but have been struggling with having the time to learn the program in order to properly use it. Wondering if anyone with excellent knowledge of the program can offer their services to help me set up some project management and product management templates that I can use…
Building Sheet to Alert Past Due Items
Hi All, I am trying to build a sheet that will track when items are turned in to our billing department. If the "turned in"date is past a certain date then I would like for the sheet to send a notification to certain people. The only thing is the "turned in" cell will remain blank until the date it is actually received. Is…
Problem saving a large sheet when insert/remove/move rows.
I have a large Smartsheet with 1472 rows, 30 columns and about 27,200 cells with formulas, mainly IF() functions plus three simple conditional formatting rules. The page will load in a few seconds and simple changes save in a few seconds but if I insert or delete a row near the top of the sheet, or move some rows from near…
Add date/time stamp of when another sheet was updated?
Is there a way to add a date & time stamp to a cell showing the last time the sheet was last updated and saved?