Drop down list central location?
Is there a way to have a drop down list used across multiple sheets refer to a centralized location for the list? That way if the list needs to change, it can be changed in one place and seen everywhere it is used.
another day another problem: "Migration User" migration@smartsheet.com??
We run some reports which look for recent lline item changes (past 7 days) in certain sheets. Lately i'm seeing way more hits on these reports than i should. Upon investigation, it turns out something called "Migration User (migration@smartsheet.com)" is making an "update" to several line items. Really nothing material…
Autonumbering does not always work?
Hi there I have an order reference column set to auto number. It is prefixed by the date and then an autonumber for the order on that day. For one user the autonumber does not always seem to work, if he creates a new line it uses the same number as the line above. This means we end up with two identical order numbers. For…
Auto Number stopped incrementing
Hi I have an auto-number field set on a sheet used for web forms, so that our forms have a reference number. Yesterday, it stopped incrementing, and all new lines were labelled as XXX807. Today, I manually set it to start at XXX808, and sent two test submissions, both arriving as XXX808. Has anyone experienced this? Thanks!
FEATURE REQUEST: Save as Draft when Sending Rows
I would like to be able to save a Send Row email as a draft. Why? Sometimes after starting to compose the email I realize I need to change some data in the row. Currently I have to cancel the Send, make the changes in the row and then start my email all over again. If I've written a decent sized body I will copy and paste…
Wrike-like, Graphical / Quick Entry View / Single Pane of Glass UI?
Hi, I'm new to SmartSheet. It seems very powerfull, I love the cloud-app integrations, etc. But I find it lacking a Wrike-like or Wunderlist-like view or interface vs the always on spreadsheet-like interface. i.e. The spreadysheet is powerful but I want a single-pane-of-glass view where there's 1) a quick task-entry form…
Pulling data from column on drop downlist
Hi, Is it possible to pull the data of "column-1" of "Sheet-1" to dropdown list in "column-1" of "Sheet-2" ? What actually my requirement is: I have a task list defined on "Column-1" of "Sheet-1". I need to create a RFI (Request For Information) webform for site engineers ("Sheet-2") where they select the task list from…
Feature request: filter by date of last change
Some of my sheets would benefit greatly by being able to filter them based on when a column's cells were last changed. E.g., "show me all the cells in this columnw hich haven't been changed since [2 days ago]..." etc. Something like below. Anyone else like this idea?
Custom View on Grid/Gantt
Often when I setout a new schedule layout I end up with a number of columns either auto- calculating, which I subsequently hide, or tracking finance, progress, comments etc and the view is busy... I'd love to be able to Save custom views, so I can select chosen columns to view. IE. Custom View 1 - Finance. Shows me the…
Update Request (form) 'Quick Button'?
Hi I have a large team of people updating a number of sheets. Within the sheets are a number of rows (risks and issues), each one has it's own ID. Whilst the sheet is shared and I have some of the columns locked, I want to be able for a user to review their risks and issues and then to click an 'update' button so that they…