How to insert a disclaimer in the header
Our Smartsheets are already branded and using our logo in the top right corner. Our Legal Dept wants a visible disclaimer to be shown on each sheet that users cannot share any information on the sheet outside the company. I tried to put the disclaimer in the logo area, but you can't read it. What is the best way to show a…
Star Ratings/ Symbols - changing amount?
Hi, I have a sheet where we want to monitor the value of a project simply with a 1 to 3 star rating, but the only star symbols available are either an on/off, 1 star symbol, or a 0-5 star rating. Is there any way of reducing the mount of stars to simply 1-3, or is there a formula (similar to the RYG ball) to show this? I…
Once 'complete' can I move an entire row to another created sheet
Once a line item (row) is marked YES complete, can that entire row (with or without formatting) be moved to another sheet so that it is not shown on the in-progress/working sheet? Or... can I move an entire row within the sheet if a specific column is marked such as conditional formatting. Thanks
Holidays over multiple projects
Hello, Is there anyway to default dependences so that when you start a new project sheet the dependences are already set? I am currently setting up multiple projects and having to enter working weeks, hours per day and holidays is quite time consuming.
Shading alternate rows
Is it possible to define a default condition on sheets so alternating rows are shaded? This would improve our readability. Many people add to this sheet, so creating them manually is a major pain.
Adding Logo to Existing Sheets
I have tried to add a company logo to the existing sheet that I have created. I am unable to add it and it show up when printed to PDF. I added a workspace and then uploaded a logo and then added the sheet to the workspace thinking it would add the logo but that didnt work either. Is there a way to add a logo to existing…
How can I set a default format for my sheets?
How can I set a default text height and style for my sheets?
Feature Request - Dual Windows
OK, so when you're making alot of links to other sheets, it becomes tedious that you have to do the link one at a time - switching back and forth between the sheet and the pop-up of the sheet you're linking to. There are also other times when it's nice to have more than one sheet visible at a time So if it were possible to…
Last Column not available for view. -- recovered!
I have a large sheet (48-50 columns by 80 rows). I can not see the last column. It has a formula that displays either "not done" or "done". I use it to highlight "done" rows in green. I was working on another indicator and wanted to access that column and couldn't scroll over to it. Have I met a limit on the width of the…
User Interface
I guess many of you are using Smartsheets to great effect in many different ways. Some of the ways I am configuring it for my clients is to act as a service request/ticketing tool (for cleaning/maintenance tasks). Customers fill in service request forms, which creates a new row in a sheet. There, a manager adds a bunch…