Formula to check percentage total
Hi I have a sheet which is pulling through some data from other sheets via cell links. The cells are being pulled from a Project Plan (with rolled up section totals). Based on this data, I want to set some conditional formatting on my sheet. I have: %COMP STARTDD ENDDD 55% 10/08/16 22/08/16 I'm using a formula (hidden…
Track changes
Hi there, I am wondering if it is possible that when changes are made, for example after changing dates of tasks and phases, that when Smartsheet saves this, it would save leave the old file there for an audit trail. For example, I change the dates of five tasks, when I click save - I'd like this to be v2, and then each…
Send Row / Update Request Enhancement
I utilize the Send Row and Send Update Request quite a lot and I always customize the columns that I need to send. The majority of the time, I utilize the same columns and need to customize it every time. It would be helpful if the user could save a few different templates to choose from. Please let me know if I can…
Contact Database
Hello! I'm new to smartsheet. I was wondering if there was a way to click on a company name and have it display all of the contacts associated with that company? I understand that you can link cells and link sheets but I don't want to create a sheet for each company. We have hundreds of companies and hundred of contact…
Linking cells based on matching criteria
I have two sheets, both sheets have a row of column IDs, I would like to dynamically match the column ID from one sheet to the other sheet and then update a row. Similar to the new Lookup fucntion that was recently released but across two sheets. Has anyone developed a solution for this. My only option is to manually link…
Sending auto update request based on % completion
Hi, I want to send update request automatically to shared users of that particular sheet after the % completion column is 100%. Please guide me, how it is possible. Thanks.
Drop down list central location?
Is there a way to have a drop down list used across multiple sheets refer to a centralized location for the list? That way if the list needs to change, it can be changed in one place and seen everywhere it is used.
another day another problem: "Migration User" migration@smartsheet.com??
We run some reports which look for recent lline item changes (past 7 days) in certain sheets. Lately i'm seeing way more hits on these reports than i should. Upon investigation, it turns out something called "Migration User (migration@smartsheet.com)" is making an "update" to several line items. Really nothing material…
Autonumbering does not always work?
Hi there I have an order reference column set to auto number. It is prefixed by the date and then an autonumber for the order on that day. For one user the autonumber does not always seem to work, if he creates a new line it uses the same number as the line above. This means we end up with two identical order numbers. For…
Auto Number stopped incrementing
Hi I have an auto-number field set on a sheet used for web forms, so that our forms have a reference number. Yesterday, it stopped incrementing, and all new lines were labelled as XXX807. Today, I manually set it to start at XXX808, and sent two test submissions, both arriving as XXX808. Has anyone experienced this? Thanks!