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Update Request (form) 'Quick Button'?

Phil Smith
Phil Smith ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



I have a large team of people updating a number of sheets. Within the sheets are a number of rows (risks and issues), each one has it's own ID.


Whilst the sheet is shared and I have some of the columns locked, I want to be able for a user to review their risks and issues and then to click an 'update' button so that they can complete the update via a web form (the one that comes up when you click Update Request) rather than typing into the sheet itself which can be a little cumberson where there are lots of columns.


Is there a way to call the update request 'form' via a hyperlink or is it possible to create a new update form which can call the details within the row, which can then be updated via the form.






  • Steve Johnson
    Steve Johnson ✭✭✭✭✭

    This is a good idea.  I hope it is possible.

  • Hi Phil-- Are the users shared to the sheet with Editor permissions? If so, they can right-click a row and select "Edit..." This will open a Row Editor form that looks similar to the Update Request form and may make it easier for them to update rows from the Grid view!

  • Phil Smith
    Phil Smith ✭✭✭✭



    yes they are shared to the sheet and can have editor permissions. Your solution works fine but it either means a two step process (right click, rown actions and then edit row from the cell on the right or they scroll back (left) to the main menu bar.


    Maybe worth considering an option for future development where you can insert a 'shortcut' key (in this case it would call the edit function) into a cell in the same way that you can insert link/hyperlink etc.


    Thanks for help



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Kennedy! I had missed that Edit... feature.

    I'm definitely going to use that!



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