Sharing Card Views
Hi there, We're excited about the newly released Card View, but it seems like there isn't a way to make that view the default when publishing a sheet. The only choices are calendar or Gantt. Is it on the roadmap to add that choice? If not, can it be added?
Organize Worksheets
Is there a way to organize Workspaces? I've got a lot of Workspaces and they are in no kind of order. They seem to just be randomly saved with no rhyme or reason to the order in which they are saved. Would LOVE for there to be a way organize them like you can emails.
Attaching URL's to Each Row - Is there an option to have them available for the entire sheet???
Hello, When a new row is added to my sheet, I have 3 url links that I need to attach to the row. I can then "SEND" the row back to the requestor with the authorization and the URL links for them for reference. Currently I have to copy/paste these URL's to EACH ROW....is there a way that I can have these 3 URL links…
How to automate Harvey Balls based on % Complete Summary Field
Hi everyone, I'm looking to find a way to automate the Harvey Balls symbols based on a % complete Summary field where the percente complete is 25% 50%, 75% or 100%. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Robert
Dropdown only options
If I have set up a dropdown, can I disable users from typing in text. I ONLY want people selecting from the dropdown.
IF() Statement troubles
In Excel I can use the following statement with no issue: =IF(A89="","",(WORKDAY(A89,-3,Holidays!$A$2:$A$9))) I tried the following in Smartsheet and receive the error: #BLOCKED. =IF([Launch Date]36 = "", "", (WORKDAY([To Production by 3 pm (Site merch deadline)]36, -1, $[Holidays 2016]$1:$[Holidays 2017]$13))) Any…
Setting the end date, durations and dependancies to find the start date
Can smartsheet be used to figure out the start date when the end-date, durations and dependancies are given?
How to fix a project launch date
Hello all, I have a project with a fixed launch date - what i need to know is whether i will hit that date. If i set dependencies with predessors then it moves my launch date.. but if i set the date as fixed for the launch i cant set up the dependencies on the previous actions... Am i doing it all wrong? How can i set a…
Can I merge more than one smartsheet into a single Card View?
Trying to change RYG based on status of a group of rows and Subtasks
so i have rows that turn red green or yellow based on progress i would like a master progress since the rows are normmaly collaped that shows over all status of a section i have code but its not working =IF(COUNTIF(Status18:Status25) = 0, "Red", IF(COUNTIF(Status18:Status25) = 100, "Green" , IF(COUNTIF(Status18:Status25) <…