Please add a Wildcard Function
Smartsheet is missing the ability to use a wildcard (*) in it's functions. This is a valuable tool and would be incredibly helpful, please add this functionality.
Sheet with Mapped Column No Longer Working
I'm having issues with a sheet that has a column mapping users for a filtered report. The sheet has two columns - PDS Selected that captures sign-ins where session hosts are selected, and PDS for View, a column that maps to PDS Selected and is formatted as a Contact List. This then filters to a report set to Current User.…
Change Date based on Symbol
Good day everyone, I've seen a lot of posts about changing a symbol based on the date, but none for the other way around. In my use case, I have a Priority symbol that is being filled in on a form. I need to create a due date based on the Priority chosen and the date the form was entered. I was able to build that initial…
Returning A Symbol Value From Another Sheet
Hi all! I am trying to return a symbol value from a cross sheet reference, and I am having a little bit of difficulty at the moment. I have 2 sheets, we'll call the first sheet (that I am trying to reference) "Trends", and the second sheet "This Week". In "Trends", every row represents a week, and ta the end of every row…
Is there a way to ONLY have one cell unlocked?
Hi all, I have created a sheet full of formulas that ALL reference one cell. I would like to lock down everything BUT that one cell, so functionally anyone with access could change the reference cell and see the consequence of that change. I realize that I COULD move this one reference cell into its own column, but before…
Expand and collapse ALL on the mobile app
I really think it would make things better if I could easily expand and collapse all on the mobile app. It's too much to scroll through on a small screen, and also very time consuming to manually collapse each parent. Especially when it needs 2-5 seconds to save after each change. Please add this feature. I' very fond of…
Intake form/Sheets to Document Builder - Font issues
Hello! I created an intake form that captures data onto a sheet. One of the automations I built out is to create a PDF. However, upon creating - I am having issues with the font size that is being populated. The fillable pdf itself has conditional formatting on font size. The smartsheets sheet itself has a formatted font…
Date calculation formulas are not working properly.
Hi, community. I have a weird problem with my metrics sheet and the dashboard linked to it since it is displaying fault information with a specific formula. I have tried a lot of workarounds, including the update of both source and metrics sheet and a lot of different formulas but I can't still fix it. Formula is as simple…
INVALID DATA TYPE Error in single cell of column formula
Hello, I am getting one cell returning the "INVALID DATA TYPE" error in a column formula. I have 159 rows in this sheet, and only one cell has the error, so I am very confused. The formulas is: =COUNTIFS({Site Visits Range 1}, Type@row, {Site Visits Range 3}, [Primary Column]@row, {Site Visits Range 2}, <>"", {Site Visits…
Using cross sheet reference to pull data from one column in Sheet 1 into multiple rows in Sheet 2
I have two sheets. Sheet 1 is essentially a directory. It lists all of the individual contacts that are involved in a project. Some columns in the sheet are are "Name" (Contact List), "Title" (Text), "Department" (Text), and "Completed Assignments" (Text). Sheet 2 is where monthly assignments are recorded. The columns are…