Move Rows - Can't find Rows
I moved rows from one sheet to another...now I can't find the rows...how do I recover that data..thanks
Data Loader Expression Input value
I am receiving a MS project file in an excel format and trying to load into a Project sheet in Smartsheet. I have a WBS column and from the WBS column by counting the dots I want to determine the level. The formula works fine in a sheet but when I write the formula on the expression input value as =LEN(WBS) -…
Update Requests
HELP / VERY ANNOYED Today my Business Administrator was going about her business and Smartsheets without any communication to me as admin and paid user license or prior notice, seems to think it was ok to commercialise the update request function and convert a free log in / collaborator into a paying account user. They are…
Dashboard - Gantt Show Only Today Forward
Anyone know how to make dashboard widget of a gantt chart only show today and forward? It displays correctly in the Report Builder as there is an option in Settings > Timeline Display to check the box "Open to today's date". Can't figure out why it won't do this in Dashboard widget. You can scroll to today and it prints…
cell.format currency settings
I'm able to successfully format a cell through the API and the compact format string, cell.format (https://smartsheet-platform.github.io/api-docs/#formatting,) except for cells with currency formats. I would like to see an example of the cell.format that works for submitting 123456 as the value/display value and a…
Counting cells with formulas
My underlying issue is that I'm trying to count cells that begin with a certain number. The data that is present in my SubCategory column is a picklist. Examples: * 106 COST BILLED IN ERROR * 110 FAILURE TO PURSUE PAYMENT AFTER INVOICE SUBMISSION * 201 CLIENT FAILED TO COMMUNICATE WITH FIRM * 207 PER CLIENT - COST IS NOT…
Copy of my responses
I'm not sure if this was already addressed in a previous post or not so I appreciate your patience. I created a registration form that has 6 choices for respondents to choose from. Is there a way to format the "copy of my response" email to only include the specific choice they picked? Currently, the email includes all 6…
Sheet Summary cell reference changing?
Hello, I have built a sheet summary with formulas that look something like this, =COUNTIF(Provider1:Provider154, "Syringa"). The problem that keeps happening is that the cells I referenced to count, are changing randomly. For example, I will reopen the sheet and the formula looks like this, =COUNTIF(Provider24:Provider75,…
Prorated Rent Schedule Formula Help
Need a formula to calculate what is due per calendar year when the rent amount changes year to year (midyear) Any help appreciated! 06/01/19-05/31/20 Total Rent Due: $175,000 06/01/20-05/31/21 Total Rent Due: $200,000 Total Rent of 2019: Total Rent of 2020:
"add the TXT records, provided to your externally resolvable DNS? " what does this mean? where do I
"add the TXT records, provided to your externally resolvable DNS? " what does this mean? where do I add this in Smartsheet? We are trying to merge accounts. Appreciate the help. Thank you, Deepthi