Sheet to Sheet Cell Updates
I have a sheet with a status column. I would like to have the statuses in that column automatically updated based on when users make their updates in three other sheets. I thought I could use a workflow but I don't want to update the full row from sheet to sheet, only the cells in the status column. What is the best way?
checking dates in two sheets
In smartsheet one sheet called Holidays have 3 colum Name start_date end_date jap 03/March/2023 05/March/2023 ALex 01/March/2023 02/March/2023 jap 19/March/2023 25/March/2023 other smart sheet called as class List having 4 colum Class CourseDate TeacherName Conflict math 02/March/2023 ALex False English 20/March/2023 jap…
Is there option to hide comments (Default from SmartSheet) in Notification
Is it possible to hide highlighted comments from SmartSheet notification
Contact List For Approval Workflow
Hi all, this might be a simple question, however I'm a little stumped. When creating a workflow and choosing "Send to specific people", where is Smartsheet pulling the options for a name to choose? In my screenshot, it is showing individuals with their name & email address and some with just email address? We have a column…
Workflow not showing all dropdown options
I have a simple workflow that changes the value in some cells when "business Critical? is not set to no but for some reason not all the values in the dropdown show up the last one just isn't there and when i try and copy that last option into the workflow it just doesn't recognize it and works the same as if its not there…
Update same Column Cell value
I have two columns id and Name . when user enter something in column Name in any cell . all the rows having the same id name Colum should be updated to same value entered by the user Any way to do by formula or workflow user enter abc in 1st row with id 1 id Name 1 abc 1 2 3 1 2 output id Name 1 abc 1 abc 2 3 1 abc 2
Duration Formula Help
Hello, I am trying to create two duration formulas. One is the duration is between request date and manager approval date and the other is the duration between manager approval date to admin approval date. All three of the date columns are the date column type. The date columns are filled in automatically by Workflows. I…
Convert SOME of the blanks to zeros
I am creating a new sheet, and so far, about 30 columns. Of these columns, 12 are metrics which require a numeric value. I would like to create a Workflow to convert the blanks in ONLY these 12 columns to 0. It is likely that some of my other columns will be blanks, but I do not want them to be converted to zeros. If…
how to change a cell value when a new row is added
Hi I am trying to use a workflow that changes the value in a cell when a new row is added. This cell is already on a row in the sheet when the new row is added. I have hit a road block as when I set the trigger for when rows are added it does not change the value in the cell so I am guessing the workflow only runs on that…
workflow trigger
when a workflow is set to trigger when a new row is added, does that workflow only run in the newly added row all the whole sheet