Update same Column Cell value

jap ✭✭
edited 10/09/23 in Formulas and Functions

I have two columns id and Name . when user enter something in column Name in any cell .

all the rows having the same id name Colum should be updated to same value entered by the user

Any way to do by formula or workflow

  • user enter abc in 1st row with id 1

id Name

1 abc






  • output

id Name

1 abc

1 abc



1 abc



  • Paul McGuinness
    Paul McGuinness Overachievers

    Hi @jap

    Unfortunately I don't think that's possible in the way you describe, as the formula required to pull the name detail into the corresponding rows would need to be in the column being updated in the first place. So a cell or column formula etc. couldn't be used efficiently as overtyping the cell formula could cause gaps in the system and leave blanks, a column formula wouldn't allow the user to update the column at all.

    If you had a dedicated column for the user to enter their manual update in, separate to the ID and Name fields then that detail could be pulled into the name column for all of those rows.

    Not the answer you were hoping for but I hope that helps


  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @jap,

    You can do this by having 2 sheets:

    One with the IDs & names which is then used for a lookup using a cross sheet reference.

    In your second sheet, you can then use a formula like this in the Name column:

    =VLOOKUP(ID@row, {IDs & Names Range 1}, 2, false)

    If you're not sure how to do the cross sheet reference indicated by the { } brackets, let me know and I can give a more in depth walkthrough with screenshots.

    Hope this helps, if you've any questions then just ask! 😊

  • jap
    jap ✭✭

    Can't this be done through automation workflow ? Something like if row change and cell in Name colum changes .

    Then condition find all the rows with id equal to triggered row id column

    Then In action change all the above rows name equal to triggered row name Column

    Now the biggest question how to reference the value of triggered cell or triggered row or triggered colum in the workflow

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