Automatically archive info to new sheet once hit limit .. ?
Hello there, Was hoping someone could have some insight on this. We are looking to see if smartsheets can be the platform for an operators log.. the features of the dashboard and filters to help ease searching ... But our issue is; the size constraints .. we probably would use 5000 lines in a few weeks and to manually…
Enhancement Request: Sheet/Workspace Level References in Formulas
I would like to create notifications for the creation of new sheets in specific workspaces and in general better track what sheets are getting created where. To this point I would like to build a master sheet with drop downs for each workspace showing what folders and sheets are in them. A directory if you will. This would…
Multiple Project Task List Roll Up
Hello, Is there anyway to have a project task list that is updated from multiple project task list sheet? We are looking to have a master roll up of the Project Milestones without including all the tasks on 1 task list. Thank you
Finding a SmartSheet
I'm trying to find a SmartSheet, that I know exists, but isn't shared with me so I can ask the owner to share it. How do I find it?
folders inside workspace
Hello, I am new to the smartsheet community. I am trying to figure out how to show how many folders are inside a worksapce. My guess is it may not be possible.
Upcoming Birthday Report
I would like to include a Report Widget that shows upcoming birthdays, but it doesn't seem possible to only pull data according to month and date (whenever I use the date column, it automatically adds the year -- 2018, in this case). Is there anyway that I can pull data for upcoming birthdays w/o relying on the year they…
Can I have a workspace sitting within another like the top level home
Wondering if it's possible to have a workspace sitting inside another one, like it is on the home tab? E.g. Home - Subsidiary 1 - Function 1 and then Home - Subsidiary 2 - Function 2 If it is possible would the embedded workspace take on the access permissions of the higher one or could these be specific
Sharing Question -
A workspace was shared with me, and I was made an editor who can share. For a specific SmartSheet in a subfolder underneath that workspace - how do I request to the owner that I want to be an admin of that SmartSheet in order to set up conditional formatting, send automatic alerts, etc.? I do not see any option of making a…
Connector between Smartsheet and Google Docs
Hello, I need to connect Google Excel (Google Drive) to Smartsheet so that I can have updated data on Smartsheet. I need to know what is the best solution.
CEO interruptions causes delays
My CEO continually interjects his own agenda into the company's workflow. It's been a challenge for many years, and we all know that he won't change. So knowing that we, as a company, cannot tell him to stop, I would like to create some visual that will show how his interruptions cause delays in deliverables of other…