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Segregate the update request on several mails (when there is much information to be update)

It would be nice and more efficient if on the emails notification, you could configure how many row the email should included. 

In our case, we have a sheet that´s inclued many lines to be update by the same person, and when this person recieved the email, it take him many hours to fullfill all the resquet and it´s doesnt update on the sheet till he ends the last one. if we segregate in 2 mails o more, it will be updated earlier in smartsheet and He doesnt need to have that form opened during all day.

3 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • ✭✭
    edited 02/13/23

    Sería bueno y más eficiente si en la notificación de correos electrónicos, pudiera configurar cuántas filas debe incluir el correo electrónico. 

    En nuestro caso, tenemos una hoja que incluye muchas líneas para ser actualizada por la misma persona, y cuando esta persona recibió el correo electrónico, tardó muchas horas en completar todo el pedido y no se actualiza en la hoja hasta termina el último. si segregamos en 2 correos o más, se actualizará antes en smartsheet y no necesita tener ese formulario abierto durante todo el día.

    **Translated by Google Translate**

    It would be nice and more efficient if in the emails notification, I could configure how many rows the email should include.

    In our case, we have a sheet that includes many lines to be updated by the same person, and when this person received the email, it took many hours to complete the entire order and is not updated on the sheet until the last one is finished. if we segregate into 2 emails or more, it will update earlier in smartsheet and you don't need to have that form open all day.

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