Introducing the Smartsheet Free Plan!

Melissa Hopelain
Melissa Hopelain Employee
edited 03/22/23 in Product Announcements

Hi Community, 

Today we’re very excited to announce the global launch of the Free plan!  The Free plan enables users to try Smartsheet for longer than their initial 30-day trial. 

This new plan is only available to unlicensed users and/or net-new Smartsheet users. Head to this help article to learn more about our new plan.  

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Melissa Hopelain

Senior Manager, Product Marketing


  • Ipshita
    Ipshita Community Champion

    @Melissa Hopelain That's wonderful news! This would benefit a large group of people who are starting to explore Smartsheet and its amazing features! Kudos to the entire team that brought this idea to fruition. 👏

    Ipshita Mukherjee

  • RoyK
    RoyK ✭✭
    edited 06/01/23

    @Melissa Hopelain Had an employee that was shared a smartsheet from a vendor and was not able to edit until sa Hopelandthey clicked 30 day trial??? I thought free users were able to edit items shared with them???? Do not want to buy license if not needed. Tried to call Sales but no one answers... It shows him as editor on share but not sure if that was the case before or just because he started the trial. If this belongs in different discuss let me know what group.


  • Hi @RoyK

    Sharing and editing abilities will depend on the type of plan that the sheet owner is licensed on.

    For example, on a Pro Plan, only licensed members of that same plan can edit sheets owned by a Pro Plan user. This means a Pro Plan user can share a sheet to a free collaborator, but they will have View only permissions as they don't have a Pro Plan License.

    However on a Business or Enterprise plan, sheets can be edited by anyone shared with Editor permissions, including free collaborators.

    You can see a breakdown of sharing permissions on the Plan Pricing Page, under the button "Complete Features List". You can also learn more about Pro Plan specific sharing from this Help Article: Sharing and widgets in the Pro plan



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  • MMarques
    MMarques ✭✭
    edited 08/25/23

    If I started a few sheets under the Pro Plan before I realized people I shared to couldn't edit anything, and after I have upgraded to the business plan, is there something I have to do with those initial sheets to allow users to edit them?? thanks!

  • Hi @MMarques

    Once the owner of the sheets is associated with a Business plan, all you'll need to do is ensure that the collaborators are shared with Editor or higher permissions to be able to make edits to those sheets.

    See: sharing permissions and levels table 



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