Have a report that shows
How often a license user is creating new sheets, adding column, automations, forms. Items that only a licensed user can do. This would help determine if someone really needs a license or if that license is being wasted. Thank you.
In the Admin center, you can view all users, see their last login, and download a Sheet Access report (this can be done for individual users, or all users in the account) that will tell you what items they own and have been shared to, and the last time the documents were updated.
I have that file but it is not really a good look at if someone is using their license. A dashboard view like I listed above would be better for determining actual license usage.
I agree with Keven and would love more thorough data on the user's activity. With the existing user report you just get the last modified date, not what the mod was or who performed it. I am sure that I have some licensed users that are only making dropdown menu changes once in a while but yet have a full license.
We can get the event /activity details for each user by type (sheet, report, dashboard, etc.). However, the access to List Events API is available only for "Enterprise plans with Advance Platinum" customers.
Reference Link:
List of Supported Events by API: