Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Can SmartSheet Count & Return all other values besides "X"

Hello Everyone,

I have a metrics sheet that is counting specific text ("Alpha") from a source sheet with the following formula:

=COUNTIFS({Supplier}, Description@row, {Status}, "On Order") **This works**

Ideally, I would like to count all the non-blank cells that do not have "Alpha" inputted. Can this be accomplished?

Thank you in advance for the help,

~ Drew


  • Community Champion

    Hey @Drew Frazelle

    =COUNTIFS({Supplier}, Description@row, {Status}, <>"On Order")

    Will this work for you?


  • Kelly,

    Thank you. This formula works if the Description@row matches the inputted value in the {Supplier} reference sheet. Problem is, I want to count all the other "On Order" rows that are not "Alpha" if that is possible. Perhaps utilizing NOT or CONTAINS to exclude the "Alpha" orders. Sorry for the confusion.

    Thanks again,

    ~ Drew

  • Community Champion

    Hey @Drew Frazelle

    Sorry, to clarify, the Alpha is found in what column? The Supplier? Or is it in place of "On Order"? In addition to "On Order"? If it is in addition to On Order is this column a multi select column (you can have both On Order AND Alpha within the SAME cell?)


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