We would like to publish and share a sheet with a set filter so that when the sheet is opened with the shared link, it keeps the saved Filter. When the sheet is open you can see all shared filters, but we want to make it easy for team members to open the sheet and already see the filter we have saved for them to view.
It would be very helpful if we could publish Smartsheets with certain filters turned on. We utilize one sheet as a single source of truth across our different comms teams (internal, PR, social, blog, etc.). So we utilize a bunch of filters to look at different channels, the calendar (industry dates, holidays, cultural times, company events, trainings, etc.). So, we have a pretty robust sheet. I'd love to be able to publish using different filters, so others in the organization can see the different channels' sheet/calendar views.
An identical request is at this link. Obviously the need for this capability is growing quickly.
Is there any update/work done on this enhancement request? I need to be able to publish a grid with a pre-saved filter options so teams can update the status of their tasks.
In addition to publishing a sheet with a default filter, I would like to take this one step further.
It would be ideal if the tool allowed for filter parameters to be applied to the url (like query strings) of the published sheet/report. This way, the filters applied when launching the sheet or report can be a bit more dynamic depending on the use case.
This is sorely needed and I'm not sure why it hasn't been implemented yet. It seems obvious that if you set up a filter in the sheet and save it, it should show up when you publish the full sheet publicly. Even if it weren't automatically applied, but just was an option to click a filter (vs. having to re-enter the criteria each time), it would be better than the current behavior.
It would be nice if the filter could at least be applied by appending a "&filterId= ... " to the URL, but that doesn't work either. Our team could benefit from this feature. We want to be able to embed a sheet into an external program, have it editable, and have a filter applied. This can be done, beside the filter cannot be automatically applied, and a report cannot be used because you cannot publish and editable report.
Just to add one more voice to this request. We would really need this feature as well. For the same reasons as outlined above. In fact, we are using SharePoint a lot in this way, applying context specific URL filtered lists and libraries. It would be great to use smartsheet in exactly the same way.
+1 here... this request has been going for 4 years now!!!
Running into some frustration with wanting to publish a sheet and not being able to do it with a filter on. Also getting things to publish in card view is not very intuitive.
Ricky T
Gov Contractor for USSF
Need this.... years ago!
I would also love to see this implemented. Need the ability to publish a filtered sheet and have the filters stick
Definitely adding my support for this request.
This would really be helpful as a possible work around for reports a) not retaining indentation/hierarchy structure and b) not allowing for independent formatting/indentation (hierarchy).
Publishing a sheet with filter applied will be a game changer for us too. Looking forward to this feature implemented.
Have there been any updates re this? Is there a place where we can see the status of these types of requests in terms of Smartsheet development?