Hello SS Community,
I was fortunate to find a fantastic trick proposed by Paul Newcome in 2021 to index the occurrence of a value in a given column. It was exactly what I was looking for. The only drawback is that there are limitations to column formulas (see screen clipping). In my solution I am using Absolute references which, you can see below, is an unsupported reference type.
Would you please find a way to allow for some of these currently-unsupported types in column formulas? It's such a terrific solution, and yet having to drag the formula down the entire column anytime a row is added or deleted detracts from its efficacy.
Here's a link to the tip from Paul Newcome:
I’m looking for a way to identify a duplicate cell value in a row so I can mark it for removal to another sheet for archiving. Rows are entered via forms at the top of sheet that contain a “Product Name” and it’s status. I am referencing this from another sheet to find the current status of the product so I just need the latest entry for each product but would want to keep a few previous as well. Ideally, a formula that would denote 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc row instance. Hopefully that makes sense. Thanks