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Dropdown lists

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts



Is it possible to have dropdowns linked to each other. If dropdown 1 = x then dropdown 2 contains = a,b,c,d?


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Yes, that is possible using a conditional formula. You would write an IF statement similar to the following and put it in the 2nd dropdown row: 

    =if([Dropdown Column 1 Name]1="x", "y", if([Dropdown Column 1 Name]1="y", "z", "". 

    Do be aware that if you add this formula, it will lock down the usability in a report. Users of a report can't edit columns that have a formula. So consider that before you put a formula in there. 

    The formula I wrote basically gives you 2 options and defaults to blank if the dropdown column 1 name doesn't contain x or y. Also, If your Dropdown Column 1 name doesn't have spaces, then you won't need the [ brackets ] around it. 

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    I forgot the closing parentheses on that formula. There should be two. 

    =if([Dropdown Column 1 Name]1="x", "y", if([Dropdown Column 1 Name]1="y", "z", ""))

  • Thanks, I'll try that.

    I'm trying to make a time tracker that limits the jobs to be selected by the project that is being worked on.

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    That makes sense. Just be aware that the 2nd dropdown will never be able to be selectable in a report if there is a formula in the field. 

  • Mehmet Zengin
    edited 06/14/17

    Mike's formula would assign a static value to your 2nd drop down column, it wouldn't create the drop down list (a,b,c,d?) which you can later select from.

    If I'm not wrong you are looking for "Dynamic Drop down". I managed to have such a feature by using Azuqua but honestly, it's just too expensive solution. 

    Alternative solution would be using conditional formatting after selection. For example you can create Drop down1 with values x,y,z and Drop down2 with a,b,c. Later you can highlight Drop down2 by red or black color depending on Drop down1 selection. That wouldn't prevent them from choosing any value but at least they would be notified visually. And its just Smartsheet functionality so you don't have to pay for a 3rd tool.




  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Mehmet is correct. Sorry, I didn't interpret your request accurately. You can't, with current Smartsheet functionality, make the options of one dropdown list affect the options of another. Another solution might be to create a form in Google and sync the results with Smartsheet which would allow you to create a form with conditional questions. If they select A, then show them the following question with these options. 

    Using Smartsheets you can have the Google Spreadsheet automatically update the Smartsheet with their selection. A drop-down wouldn't exist in SmartSheet itself but rather in the form. And native Smartsheet functionality allows syncing of a Google sheet into Smartsheets.

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