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Multiple Emails

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi there,

I have a column full of email addresses, previously with excel I was able to select the whole column, copy the cells and paste into the address section in an email, and it would insert all the email addresses.


I have tried to do this on my Smartsheet, but when I copy the cells, nothing paste's onto the email address option?


Anyone help,

Many thanks



  • Hi Justin,

    It's best to specifically use Ctrl + C for copy (Cmd + C on Mac) and Ctrl + V for paste (Cmd + C on Mac) to get the best results when copying and pasting. 

    If you're copying email addresses out of cells in a sheet and pasting them into a Smartsheet email window (for example, update requests or send row emails), then they will paste in without commas. You'll need to add commas between the email addresses or names for them to be treated as individual emails.

    I'd recommend creating Groups in Smartsheet to make it easier to send emails from within Smartsheet. More on Groups in our Help Center.

    You might also need to manually add commas if you're copying out of Smartsheet and pasting into another email client like Outlook or Apple Mail.

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