Howdy to the Smartsheet Community

Kyle Chipman
Kyle Chipman Overachievers
edited 04/10/23 in Show & Tell

Hi all! Years-long Smartsheet user and long-time Community lurker (I have pulled so many helpful insights from searches and resolved threads, obliged), but am only now formally introducing myself.

My name is Kyle Chipman, and I oversee Process at Chipman Design Architecture. I have been using Smartsheet since 2014 and have truly come to appreciate its flexibility and scalability. It remains such a clean canvas to build solutions, and benefits so many workflows.

A fun way to get a sense of who I am:

Last year, during an intensive Smartsheet-focused effort, I started to compile insights related to the platform and subsequently compiled them into a dashboard. Have kept it going since then. If you're curious, please find the link below:

I have a small write-up and an interactive resume available through that link, if you want to get a sense of some of my longer-form objectives. Also, now that introductions are out of the way, I'll post some of the more helpful fully-formed thoughts to the community wish list rather than just this sheet.

I love helping people (especially via Smartsheet), volunteer my time to environmental organizations, and have spoken at Engage as well as multiple User Groups. I also love music, compiling a pretty kickass vinyl collection, and have recently begun collecting loose-disc retro video games (PS1, PS2, PS3, Gameboy, Gamecube, Dreamcast). Let's trade recommendations!

Looking forward to more intentionally connecting with the community - best everyone's way :)


  • Hey @Kyle Chipman

    Thanks for posting such an awesome introduction message!

    Your Dashboard is so well set up 🤩 It looks like a lot of these are feature requests... have you had a chance to check out our new(ish) Product Ideas area?

    Looking forward to seeing more of your posts in the future!



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  • Kyle Chipman
    Kyle Chipman Overachievers

    Thanks kindly @Genevieve P. 😀

    When I first began compiling this list back in March of last year, my instinct was not to rapid-fire submit a bunch of enhancement requests and bog down the forum (I would submit five or six over the course of a working session). That instinct, along with the immediacy of a simple webform, evolved into the linked structure. Plus, who knows, maybe I just lacked the courage of my own convictions at the time.

    In retrospect, this entire approach wasn't the most elegant, as I ended up sitting on the ideas rather than offering them up for community-wide feedback and, ideally, incorporation into the core platform.

    I'll search the Product Ideas area to upvote existing posts covering my higher-impact ideas, and post those I don't find. I'll also start submitting future ideas in that environment (did so this morning with an idea for the desktop app).

    Also, thanks! Striving to be more intentional with involvement and contribution to the community at large.

  • Alison C.
    Alison C. Employee

    @Kyle Chipman Hello my friend! Happy to see you here!