Top 5 Producers Chart Creation

Hello! We want to post a top 5 (or 10) list on a dashboard to dynamically display producers with the top 5/10 highest total sales in both count and $ amount. We have a master sheet to capture this information but cannot find the right formula or approach (maybe a helper column?) to produce this.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


  • Amber Eakin
    Amber Eakin ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 04/13/23

    Hi @Tony Fronza - I would recommend a helper column with the RANKEQ. Which item is highest sales: the count or the amount? You'd need to use that to determine the helper column. Your formula for that column might look like this:

    =RANKEQ(Sales@row, Sales:Sales)

    This formula will rank each row (individual) from your master sheet. Then, you can set up a report with the filter of showing if the Helper column is "between 1 and 10".

    Please let me know if that helps!

    Amber Eakin, MSLS, M.Ed.

    Adult Education Specialist | Process Improvement Enthusiast

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