When entering a Report into a dashboard you have the ability to remove formatting. This same feature would be great to have in the report itself.
I agree!
Yes please!
Another vote for this!
Yes, this feature should be made available in reports!
Another one of those features that should be there by default. Upvoting.
Yes, please!
We have the option to remove formatting on reports when they are displayed as a report widget on a dashboard, but there is currently no option to remove formatting on the report view itself. Not every report is placed on a dashboard, so having the ability to remove all underlying sheet formatting for the report view would be a great feature and make the reports cleaner when viewed directly in Smartsheet or when they are exported or sent out via email.
Yes, please!
PLEASE add this functionality. Smarthseet has proven it is incredibly useful in managing individual projects/sheets but falls short when attempting to scale because of silly feature gaps like this. Help me get my management team to buy into this tool! These small issues have a big impact.
Agreed, this would be very useful
this is a great idea and will be very useful. thanks.
This thread started almost two years ago. Any Smartsheet thoughts here on progress or roadmap?