Modified At and Modified By is updated for multiple rows

I just checked it using highlight changes to Today but these rows haven't been changed at all. Yet Modified At and Modified By was updated.

Another point here is it that only Modified By and Modified AT are highlighted in a row.

Which means no changed were made to them directly and it is not a comment either because Modified By is the name of a user not

I am using a formulae for activity status but that is just if and else condition and is not updating any row but only updates itself.

Lets say :

If column A is "Z" then "Gray", IF column A is "X" or "Y" and is less than 7 days of a date then "Green",IF column A is "X" or "Y" and is more than 7 but less than 14 days of a date then "Yellow",

Else "Red"

Automations types:

1 - only to record date when a specific field is changed.

2 - when a row is added then record a date

Thank You!
